What does TOK Stand for?

Browse 23 acronyms and abbreviations related to TOK.

  • Tested Ok
  • Transfer of Knowledge (intellectual property)
  • Türk Otomatik Kontrol (Turkish: Turkish National Committee of Automatic Control)
  • Tarh-O-Kavosh
  • Technisch Ontwikkelings Krediet (Dutch: Technical Development Credit)
  • Tokheim Corporation
  • Touch Of Klass
  • Borland C++ External token
  • Theory Of Knowledge
  • Token Ring
  • Top Of Kansas
  • Talk of Kabul
  • Telugu owned Karnataka
  • Tested Ok TOK
  • The Other Kid
  • Tokyo Ohka Kogyo
  • Top of Keyway
  • Touch of Klass (band)
  • Town of Kensington
  • Transfer of Knowledge
  • Transparent Orange Kraata
  • Turkiye Otomobil Kulubu
  • Torokina, Papua New Guinea
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