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What does APD Stand for?
acronyms and abbreviations related to
What does APD stand for in Academic & Science?
Academy for Peace and Development
Accredited Practicing Dietitian
Accredited Practicing Dietitian (Australia)
Action Potential Duration
Application for Permit to Drill
Architectural Part of Design
Architecture Planning And Design
Architecture Process Design
Architetural Part of Design
Avalanche Photo Diode
Average Penetration Depth
What does APD stand for in Business?
Actual Profit Difference
Advanced Planning Document
Air Products & Chemicals, Inc.
Air Products & Chemicals, Incorporated
APN Property Group Ltd
Assistant Program Director
Auto Property Damage
What does APD stand for in Community?
Academy for Peace and Development
Albuquerque Police Department
Annual Pasta Dinner
Area Planning and Development
Assistant Program Director
What does APD stand for in Computing?
Aldus PageMaker Aldus Printer Description
Antimicrobial Peptide Database
Assertions and Printf Debugging (Library for C code)
Automatic Power Down
Lotus 1-2-3 Printer driver
What does APD stand for in Governmental?
Abilene Police Department
Adrian Police Department
Advance Planning Documents
Albuquerque Police Department
Albuquerque Police Department's
Anchorage Police Department
Anchorage Police Department's
Anti Penetration Device
Architecture Planning And Design
Army Publishing Directorate
Atlanta Police Department
Austin Police Department
Austin's police department
Average Payload Depth
What does APD stand for in International?
Association para el Progreso de Dirección
What does APD stand for in Medical?
accessory pancreatic duct
Acid Peptic Disease
acquired perforating dermatosis
adult polycystic disease
advanced professional development
Afferent Pupillary Defect
Agency for Persons with Disabilities
alkaline phosphodiesterase
antero-posterior diameter
anti-psychotic drug
articulation-phonological disorder
atrial premature depolarisation
atypical parkinson’s disease
atypical parkinsons disease
Auditory Processing Disorder
Automated Peritoneal Dialysis
automatic peritoneal dialysis
average percentage deviation
avoidant personality disorder
What does APD stand for in Miscellaneous?
Abington Police Department (Abington, PA)
Abnormal Peak Day (utility gas transmission)
Academic and Professional Development (various locations)
Academic Program Development (various locations)
Accomplished Performance Dog (USDAA dog agility title)
Accounting Policy Division
Accredited Practising Dietitian
Accurate Peak Detector
Acoustic Products Division
Acting Principal Deputy
Action Potential Duration (electrophysiology)
Active Pixel Displays
Activity Precedence Diagram
adam phillips design
Adaptive Preferential Defense
Additional Product Documentation
Administrative Professionals Day (formerly Secretaries Day; International Association of Administrative Professionals)
Advance Planning Directive
Advance Planning Document
Advanced Packet Duplicator
Advanced PHP debugger
Advanced Planning Division
Advanced Products Division
Advanced Professional Degree
Advanced Program Development
African Pollen Database (international research network)
Afterent Pupillary Defect
Ag Progress Days
Agency for Persons with Disabilities
Aide Publique au Développement (French: Official Development Assistance)
Aimpoint Determination
Air Particulate Detector
Air Passenger Duty
Air Pressure Detonator
Air Pressure Drop
Air Pressure Drop (heating and cooling)
Air Procurement District
Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.
Alarm Philosophy Document
Alarm Products Distributors
Albany Police Department
Albany Port Railroad Corporation
Albuquerque Police Department (New Mexico, USA)
Alexandria Police Department
Alianzas Público Privadas (Spanish: Public-Private Partnership; Guatemalan business law)
Alice Peck Day
All Path Down
All Paths Down
All Position Dancing (square dancing)
All Positions Dancing
All Purpose Decontaminant
All Purpose Defensive (Shelter)
All Purpose Destroyer
Alliance for Paired Donation, Inc. (kidney donation; Maumee, OH)
Alpha Phi Delta
Alpha Phi Delta (fraternity)
Alternate Public Defender
Alternating Polyelectrolyte Deposition
Always Payin Dues
American Pet Diner
American Poetry Database
Amsterdam Police Department (New York)
Anaheim Police Department
Anakh Punjab Di (Bhangra team; Los Angeles, CA)
Anchorage Police Department (Alaska, USA)
and APD definition
Angular Power Distribution
Angular Probability Density
Announcement of Product Development
Another Person Dead
Another Person Down
Antenna Pointing Data
Anti Pit Device (Robot Wars, game)
Antimicrobial Peptide Database
Anti-Phase Domain
Antisocial Personality Disorder
Antisocial Psychopathic Disorder
Appel de Préparation à la Défense (French: Call for Defense Preparation)
Appliance Parts Depot (various locations)
Application For Permit To Drill
Application for Permit to Drill (oil & gas)
Application Parameter Descriptor
Arab Press Digest (publication)
Arcadia Police Department (Arcadia, CA)
Arcata Pizza and Deli
Arcata Police Department
Area Pharmacy Director (Kaiser Permanente)
Area Postal Directory
Areal Power Density
Arizona Paintball Depot (Phoenix, AZ)
Army Publishing Directorate
As Previously Discussed
ASHA (American Speech-Language-Hearing Association) Professional Development
Asia & Pacific Department (International Monetary Fund)
Asia Pacific Digital
Asian Power Devices Inc.
Asociaþia Pro Democraþia (Romania)
Asphalt Pavement Design
Assertions and Printf Debugging
Assistant Pascal/Delphi
Assistant Project Director (job)
Associate Production Director
Association of Pressure Washer Distributors
Association Perspectives Dentaires (French: Dental Outlook Association)
Association pour Assistance aux Personnes Defavorisees (French)
Astronaut Positioning Device
Atmospheric Plasma Decontamination (neutralizing biological warfare agents)
Atrial Premature Depolarization
Auditory Processing Disorder (previously known as Central Auditory Processing Disorder)
Augmented Polymer Deposition
Autofahrerpartei Deutschland (Auto Driver Party; Germany)
Automatic Paralleling Device
Automatic Payroll Deposit
Automatic Peritonaeal Dialysis (nephrology)
Automatic Portion Device
Auxiliary, Personnel, Destroyer (fast transport)
Avalanche Photodiode
avalanche photodiode and D
Avant Projet Détaillé (French: Detailed Pre-Project; architectural planning stage)
Avant-Projet Définitif (French: Final Draft)
Average Packet Delay
Average Period
Avigilon Presence Detector
Avondale Police Department (Avondale, AZ)
AWIPS Production Decision
Axial Power Distribution
Axiomatic Product Development Ltd (Concord, ON, Canada and Troy)
Azimuthal Photoelectron Diffraction
What does APD stand for in Regional?
Albany Port District
Nearby & Related
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