Bundesaufsichtsamt für das Kreditwesen (German banking supervisory board)
What does BAK stand for in Community?
Bike Across Kansas
Biking Across Kansas
What does BAK stand for in Computing?
Betrayal At Krondor
What does BAK stand for in Governmental?
Barrier Arresting Kit
Bosomtwe-Atwima-Kwanwoma (district; Ghana)
Bundesamt für Kultur (German: Federal Office for Culture; Switzerland)
Bundesamt zur Korruptionsprävention und Korruptionsbekämpfung (in German) Federal Office for the Prevention of Corruption and the fight against corruption
What does BAK stand for in Internet?
Back At Keyboard
What does BAK stand for in Miscellaneous?
Backup (File Name Extension)
Baku, Azerbaijan - Baku (Airport Code)
Basic Aeronautical Knowledge
Behavior Attitude And Knowledge
Berliner Arbeitskreis Information (German)
Betrayal At Krondor (computer game)
Bewußtsein, Atmung, Kreislauf
Big Air Kit
Big Almaty Kanal
Biking Across Kansas (bicycle tour)
Bill and Keep
Billboard All Kill
Bouviers d'Australie et des Kelpies (French: Australian Kelpie and Cattle Dog; dog club)
Brian and Kris
Bruce Allen Kopytek
Bust A Kap
What does BAK stand for in Regional?
Baku, Azerbaijan
Bundesamt zur Korruptionsprävention und Korruptionsbekämpfung (in German) Federal Office for the Prevention of Corruption and the fight against corruption