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What does BDM Stand for?
acronyms and abbreviations related to
What does BDM stand for in Academic & Science?
2,3-Butanedione Monoxime
Bachelor of Dental Medicine
Bachelor of Digital Media
Background Debug(ger) Mode
Backup Dependency Matrix
Banque de Développement du Mali (French: Development Bank of Mali)
Banque de Données Macro-Économiques (French: Macroeconomic Database)
Base de Données sur les Médicaments (French: Drug Database)
Baseband Digital Modem
Bayesian Dependency Modeling
Binary Delta Modulation
Binary Digital Multiplier
Black Drum (FAO fish species code)
Block Data Message
Broadband Network Module (Cisco)
Bubble Domain Memory
Building Management System
Bulk Data Management
Bund Deutscher Mädel (League of German Girls during the Third Reich, akin to Hitler Youth)
Business Decision Maker (Microsoft Windows 2000 training)
What does BDM stand for in Business?
Banca Delle Marche
Banking and Debt Management
Basic Department Management
Biodiem Ltd
Black Dog Machine, LLC (Idaho)
Borealis Destination Management
Building Design Management
Business Data Miners
Business Decision Maker
Business Decision Management
Business Decision Models
Business Destination Marketing
Business Development Manager
Business Development Managers
Bussiness Development Manager
What does BDM stand for in Community?
Bible& Discipleship& and Mission
Bible… Discipleship… and Mission
Black Diamond Media
Brutal Death Metal
Budget Development Module
Business Development Managers
What does BDM stand for in Computing?
Background Debug Mailman
Background Debug Mode
Background Debug Module
What does BDM stand for in Governmental?
Ballistic Defense Missile
Base Defense Measure
Births, Deaths, and Marriages
Births, Deaths, Marriages
Bomber Defense Missile
Browning Double Mode
Bund Deutscher M??del
Bund Deutscher Mädel
Bunker Defeat Munition
What does BDM stand for in Miscellaneous?
Bachelor of Dental Medicine (accreditation)
Back Door Man (Doors song title)
Background Debug Mailman
Background Debug Module
Banarasi Das Mahajan
Bande Dessinée Musique (French comic book and music store)
Banque De Developpement Du Mali
Barn Door Mafia
Barnett Davis Mcdonald
Basic Decision Making
Basic Department Management
Basic Design Manual
Basic Display Manager
Batalla de Maestros
Battery Data Module
Belgium Digital Mode
Belgium Digital Modes
Bernard Dalsin Manufacturing
Bhattacharyya Distance Measure
Bible??? Discipleship??? and Mission
Biblical Discernment Ministries
Bibliothèque Départementale de la Mayenne (French library)
Big Damn Movie
Big Damn Movie (movie Serenity)
Big Drunken Mistake
Big Dumb Mike
Biodiesel Magazine
Birch Defined Metro (rating measurement area)
Birth Deaths and Marriages
Births Deaths and Marriages
Bjm Dubus Machines
Black Dahlia Murder
Black Dahlia Murder (band)
Black Diamond Mine
Black Divorced Male
Blackened Death Metal (music genre)
Block Data Manager
Boeing Design Methods
Bondage Domination And Masochism
bondage, discipline, and masochism
Bonde Das Maravilhas
Bonnie Danine Mccarville
Books Determination Mindset
Boot Device Manager
Bound Density Maximum
BPSK Demodulator
Braddock, Dunn, and McDonald
Brain Dead Muppet
Brains Determination and Mindset
Brethren Disaster Ministries
Bridge Design Manual
Browning Double Mode
Brunello di Montalcino (Italian wine)
Brutal Death Metal (music genre)
Bueno de Mesquita (political scientist)
Bund Deutscher M
Bund Deutscher M??del??
Bund Deutscher Mädchen (female branch of the National Socialist Youth Movement)
Bund Deutscher Maedel
Bund Deutscher Maedels
Bunker Defeat Munition
Bunker Demolition Munition
Bunker Demolition Munition (computer games)
Business Decision Models
Butter Dem Muffins
By Design Motorsports
What does BDM stand for in Regional?
Bandirma, Turkey
Birth, Death And Marriages
Nearby & Related
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