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What does CI Stand for?
acronyms and abbreviations related to
What does CI stand for in Academic & Science?
Calcineurin Inhibitor (immunosuppressor)
Call Indicator
Call Intercept
Calling Indicator
Canadian Institute (Ontario, Canada)
Card Input
Carrier Interferometry
Cayley Isomorphism
Cell ID
Central Idea
Central Instance (SAP)
Cerebral Insufficiency
Channel Interface
Characteristic Impedance
Charge Injection
Check In (IBM)
Chemical Impurities
Chemical Injection
Chemical Ionization
Chemically Induced Mutation
Chemistry & Industry Magazine (Industrial chemistry magazine published in London)
Chlorine Institute
Circuit Integrity
Circuit Interrupter
Cirrus (cloud formation)
Class Complexity/Size Due to Inherited Methods
Classical Incremental
Clinical Investigation
Clock Input
Cluster Interconnect
Cochlear Implant (audiological device that restores hearing to the deaf)
Coded Information
Coeficiente Intelectual (Spanish: Intelligence quotient)
Cognition and Instruction (journal)
Cold Insulated
Colegio de Ingenieros de Chile
Collective Index
College of Engineers of Chile
Combustion Institute
Commercial Interior
Communications and Information
Community Informatics
Community Involvement
Commutation Instant
Comparison Instruction
Complexity International (journal)
Component Instance
Component Instrumentation
Composite Index
Compression Ignition
Comptoir Informatique
Computer Intelligence (Division of Ziff Davis)
Computer Interface
Computers in Industry (journal)
Concatenation Indication
Conducted Interference
Confidence Interval
Congestion Indicator (ATMF)
Connection Identifier
Consistency Index
Constant Intensity
Constant Interpolation
Constructive Interference (physics)
Consumers' International
Consumers International (UK)
Containment Integrity
Containment Isolation
Content Identifier
Contextual Inquiry
Contour Interval
Contrast Irradiance
Control Instrumentation
Control Interface
Controlled Irrigation
Controlled Iteration
Convective Instability
Copper Insert
Cordage Institute
Corrosion & Inspection (engineering)
Cote d'Ivoire (country code, top level domain)
Cotton Incorporated
Counselor Intern
Course Indicator
Cowl Induction
Craft Interface
Crisis Intervention
Critical Illness
Critical Indicator
Crystallization Index
Cumulative Incidence (epidemiology)
Current Interrupt
What does CI stand for in Business?
Cambria and Indiana Railroad
Canadian Institute, the
Capital Investment
Career Increment
Cast Iron
Catalyze Investment
Certificate of Indebtedness
Certificate of Insurance
Certificate of Insurance
Certificate of Insurance
Certified Instructor
Check In
Check in (IBM)
Chemonics International
Chief Inspector
Children, Inc.
Christic Institute (Malibu, CA)
Cigna Corporation
Claims Inspector
Claims Investigator
Co Investigator
Commercial Import
Commercial Investment
Commercial Invoice
Competitive Intelligence
Complex Industries (APICS course)
Component Inspector
Compound Interest
Compound Interest
Compounded Interest
COmprehensive Insurance
Computer Instructor
Construction Inspector
Consumer Influence
Contents Inventory (insurance)
Continuous Improvement
Controlled Introduction
Corporate Identity
Corporate Investment
Cost & Insurance
Cost &Insurance
Cost Incurred
Cost Innovation
Cost Inspector
Coupon Income
Creative Innovations
Credit Institutions
Criminal Investigator
Criteria & Indicators (sustainable forest management)
Cumulative Interest
Customer Information
Cycle Indicator
What does CI stand for in Community?
Cadence International
Canadian Institute, the
Capitol Ice
Central Information
Channel I
Chemical Inspectorate (Great Britain)
Childcare International
Church of Ireland
Classical Imaging
Code Inspection
Community Involvement
Compassion International
COmprehensive Insurance
Condition Index
Confidential Intermediary
Conservation International
Correspondence Information
Course Invalid (deviation display)
Criminal Intent
Criminal Investigation
Criteria & Indicators (sustainable forest management)
Critical Instant
Crowd Involvement
Cultural Identity
Culture of Intellectualism
Curriculum And Instruction
Schedule I Controlled Substance (USA)
What does CI stand for in Computing?
Case Insensitive
CHARM Interface
Check In
Code Inspector
Color Index
Command Interpreter
Common Interface
Communications Integrator
Computer Interconnect
Configuration Interaction
Congestion Indication
Context Independent
Contextualized Information
Continuous Integration
Control Interval
Customer Installation
Cybernetic Intelligence
What does CI stand for in Governmental?
Canadian Institute, the
Capability Increment
Careless and Imprudent (driving offense)
Catalyze Investment
Causes of Inflation
Cebrowski Institute
Certificate of Identity (various nations)
Certification Inspection
Checking In
Chemical Impurities
Chief Inspector
Churchill Institution
Cincinnati Field Office
City Inspector
Civilian Instructor (UK Air Cadets)
Civilian Internee
Classified Information
Clinical Investigator
Collective Intelligence
Color Interior film
Combat Identification
Combat Ineffective
Combat Inflation
Combat Intelligence
Command Information
Command Inspection
Commercial Items (FAR Part 12)
Communications Interface
Communist Index
Communist International (also COMINTERN or Third International)
Completion Inspection
Complex Interchange
Complexity Index (Indiana school funding formula)
Compliance Inspection
Confidential Informant
Confidential Intermediary
Configuration Identifier
Configuration Inspection
Configuration Item
Connected Intelligence
Consistency Index
Constant Injection
Construction Institute
Consular Invoice
Contact Information
contact investigation
Continuous Interlock
Contract Item
Control Indicator
Coordinating Installation
Correctional Industries (Nebraska)
Correctional Institution
Corrosion Inhibitor
Costs of Inflation
Count Indicator
Course Invalid
Credit Institutions
Crew Interface
Criminal Informant
Criminal Intent
Criminal Investigation
Criminal Investigator
Critical Information
Critical Infrastructure
Critical Intelligence
Critical Item
Crown Immunity
Cryptographic Interface
Culture of Intellectualism
Custom Indicator
What does CI stand for in International?
Cruz Ib??rica
Cruz Ibérica
What does CI stand for in Medical?
caloric intake
Camden and Islington (Mental Health Trust)
cardiac index
Cardiac Insufficiency
Cardio Interactive
cation independent
cell inhibition
cellular immunity
cephalic index
cerebral infarct
Cerebral Infarction
cerebral ischaemia
cerebrovascular insufficiency
cervical incompetence
chest infection
chronic infection
chronic inflammation
circulatory insufficiency
clinical impression
clinical improvement
clinical index
clinical indicator
clinical instructor
coagulation index
Cochlear Implant
cognitive impairment
coitus interruptus
cold ischaemia
conditioned inhibition
contact investigation
continued insomnia
continuous imaging
continuous infusion
continuous irradiation
Contra Indications
coronary insufficiency
cortical inhibition
cranial irradiation
creatinine index
crush injury
crystalline insulin
cytoplasmic inclusion
cytotoxicity index
What does CI stand for in Miscellaneous?
Cabin Interphone
Caller ID
Canadian Idol (TV show)
Canary Islands
Canopy Interception
Capital Improvements
CARE International (global humanitarian organization)
Caritas Internacionales
Caritas Italiana (Italian charity)
Carnage, Inc.
Carnegie Institute
Carolyn Ianncelli
Carrington Institute (fictional, gaming)
Catalogue Item
Catcher's Interference (baseball)
Catfish Institute
Cayman Islands
Cayman Islands
Center Island
Central Impression (printing press with only one impression cylander & multiple colors)
Central Index
Central Indiana
Central Islip (Long Island, New York)
Certificate of Interpretation
Certified Investigator
Chain Initiation
Channel Islands
Channel Islands (UK)
Chassis Interface
Chazon Ish
Chief Inspector
Children, Inc.
China Airlines
China Airlines - Taiwan (IATA airline code)
Chounelleca Initiative
Chris Isaak (musician)
Christmas Island
CI is
City (IRB)
Clandestine Industries (band)
Client Inquiry
Clutch It
Code Interval
Code Item
Codex Iustiniani (Latin: Justinian Codex, Codices And Manuscripts)
Collegiate Institute
Colonel Irvine Junior High (Calgary, Canada)
Color Intensity
Colour Index
Comercializadoras Internacionales (Spanish)
Comité Intertribal (French: Inter-Tribal Committee)
Commercial Intelligence
Commissariat à l'Information du Canada (Office of the Information Commissioner of Canada)
Commonweal Institute
Communications International
Community of Interest
Compassion International (relief charity)
Complete Integration
Comprehensive Integration
Compression Ignition
Comunità Incontro (Italian: community encounter)
Coney Island (Brooklyn, NY, USA)
Confidence Intervals
confident informants
Confidential Intermediary (adoption)
Configuration Item
Configured (Configuration) Item
Conservación Internacional (Spanish: Conservation International)
Construction and Inspection
Construction Index
Construction Institute
Content Integration
Continuous Improvement (business quality/productivity assurance)
continuous integration
Continuous Intergration
Contract Investigator
Controlled Indexing
Controlled Intake
Contruction and Installation
Cook Inlet
Cooper Institute
Cooperazione Italiana (Italian Cooperation)
Copy Instruction
Copyright Infringement
Core Infrastructure
Corner Infielder (baseball; 1st or 3rd baseman)
Corporate Information
Correctness of Information
Cost Index
Cote D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast
Counterpart International
Coupe Ic
Crazy Ivan (Soviet submarine maneuver)
Crime & Investigation (TV series)
Criminal Intent (Law & Order TV series)
Crimson Idol (W.A.S.P music album)
Critical Illness
Critical Injury
Critical Interface
Critical Issues
Crystal Irwin
Cubic Inch
Cubic Inches
Curriculum Inquiry
Custom Integration
Customer Information
Customer Integration
Customer Interface
Cylinder Index
The Current Integrator
What does CI stand for in Regional?
Cambria and Indiana Railroad
Cambria and Indiana Railroad Company
Canadian Institute, the
Chadwick International
Cote d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast)
What does CI stand for in Sports?
Capitol Ice
Catcher Interference
Catcher Interference
Crowd Involvement
Nearby & Related
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