What does CIPS Stand for?

Browse 72 acronyms and abbreviations related to CIPS.

  • Association Canadienne de l'Informatique
  • Canadian Information Processing Society
  • Center for Integrated Photonic Systems (MIT)
  • Centre d'Information des Professions de la Santé
  • Certified Infrastructure Protection Specialist (Office of Infrastructure Preparedness)
  • Certified International Property Specialist (National Association of Realtors)
  • Communication and Interpersonal Skills
  • Constructing Ideas in Physical Science
  • Cast-in-Place thinshell System (construction)
  • Central Industrial Packaging Supply, Inc (East Syracuse, NY)
  • Certified International Property Specialist
  • Certified International Property Specialists
  • Chartered Institute of Procurement & Supply
  • Consumer, Industrial Products & Services (business sector)
  • Cross-Border Inter-Bank Payments System
  • Canadian Information Processing Society
  • Computer Integrated Process Systems
  • Confederation of Independent Psychoanalytic Societies
  • Copilot Instrument Power Switch
  • Cosmetology Instructors of Public Schools
  • Covington Independent Public Schools
  • C4ISR Infrastructure Planning System
  • Centre For International Political Studies
  • Chartered Institute of Procurement & Supply
  • Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply
  • Chartered Institute of Procurement Supply
  • Chartered Institute of Purchase and Supply
  • Chartered Institute Of Purchasing And Supply
  • Chartered Institute Of Purchasing Supply
  • Combat Identification Panels
  • Cooperative Institute for Precipitation Systems
  • Certified International Property Specialists
  • China International Payment System
  • China International Pet Show
  • Chinese International Pet Show
  • Center for Innovation in Pharmacy Simulation
  • Center for Innovative Pharmacy Solutions
  • Clinical Image Processing Service
  • CAC Inlet Ice Protection System
  • CACFP Information and Payment System
  • Cahiers Internationaux De Psychologie Sociale
  • Center For Integrated Plasma Studies
  • Center for Intellectual Property Studies
  • Center for International Policy Studies
  • Center for International Programs and Services
  • Centers Information Processing System
  • Central Illinois Precision Shooters
  • Central Illinois Public Service
  • Centre For International Political Studies
  • Chartered Institut of Purchasing Supply
  • Chartered Institutue Of Purchasing And Supply
  • China Innovation Policy Series
  • Cisco Intrusion Prevention System (software)
  • Citizens Identification Protection System
  • Close Interval Potential Survey
  • Closest In Path Stationary
  • Cloud Imaging and Particle Size
  • Cognitive Information Processing Systems
  • Confédération Internationale de la Pêche Sportive
  • Confédération Internationale de Pêche Sportive (International Confederation of Sport Fly Fishing)
  • Conflict Intervention And Peacebuilding Support
  • Constructing Ideas in Physical Science
  • Cosmetology Instructors of Public Schools
  • Covert In Plain Sight
  • Crash Impact Protection System
  • critical infrastructure protection standards
  • Critical Item Product Specification
  • Customer Interaction Processes and Systems
  • Customs Inspection Processing Services (US DHS; Miami, FL)
  • Cyberspace Infrastructure Planning System (US DoD)
  • Canadian Individual Poetry Slam
  • Canadian Information Processing Society
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