What does CNG Stand for?

Browse 42 acronyms and abbreviations related to CNG.

  • Calling (Tone)
  • Centre National de Génotypage (French: National Genotyping Resource Center)
  • Coalition of Northeastern Governors
  • Compressed Natural Gas
  • Conseil National de Gouvernement (French: National Council of Government; Haiti)
  • Cryptography Next Generation (Microsoft Windows Vista)
  • Cascade Natural Gas (Washington & Oregon)
  • Certification Network Group
  • Certified Naturally Grown
  • Chantier Naval du Golfe (French: Shipyard of the Gulf)
  • Connecticut Natural Gas
  • Connecticut Natural Gas Company
  • Compressed Natural Gas
  • The Complete Nitpickers Guide
  • Calling Tone
  • Comfort Noise Generation
  • Comfort Noise Generation
  • Cryptographic Next Generation
  • Cryptography Next Generation
  • Cryptography Next Generation
  • California National Guard
  • Civic Natural Gas
  • Colorado National Guard
  • Compressed Natural Gas
  • California National Guard
  • Campus Network Group (various organizations)
  • Carrier to Noise Generator (test instrument)
  • Cascade Natural Gas
  • Central National Gottesman
  • Chubby Nice Guy
  • Cinéma Nouvelle Génération (French: New Generation Cinema; festival)
  • Civic Natural Gas
  • Clean N Green
  • Clean Natural Gas
  • Club Nautique de Giffaumont (French nautical club)
  • Clube Nacional de Ginástica (Portuguese: National Gym Club)
  • Colegio Nueva Granada
  • Comfort Noise Generator
  • Comisión Nacional de Garantías (Spanish: National Commission on Guarantees; Mexico)
  • Comité National de la Gastronomie (French: National Committee of Gastronomy)
  • Cryptographic Next Generation
  • Cryptography Next Generation
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