What does GIDS Stand for?

Browse 25 acronyms and abbreviations related to GIDS.

  • Gender Identity Development Service
  • Giri Institute of Development Studies
  • Graduate Institute of Development Studies
  • Graduation institute of development studies
  • Great Indian Developer Summit
  • Great International Developer Summit
  • Guelph Institute of Development Studies
  • Guelph International Development Studies
  • General Purpose Interactive Display System
  • Gender Identity Development Service
  • Graduate Institute of Development Studies
  • Graduation institute of development studies
  • Guelph Institute of Development Studies
  • Great International Developer Summit
  • Guelph International Development Studies
  • Gender Identity Development Service
  • Gate Information Display System
  • Generic Identity Device Specification
  • Geometric Inverse Depth Semi
  • Geometric Inverse Depth Semidense
  • Global Index Data Service
  • Global Industrial Defence Solutions
  • Globe Infrastructure Directory Service
  • Graded Intergenerational Disruption Scale
  • Great Indian Developer Summit
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