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What does HOPE Stand for?
acronyms and abbreviations related to
What does HOPE stand for in Academic & Science?
Harnessing the Omnipotent Power of the Electron (software tool)
Harvard open-access publishing equity fund
Having Opportunities Preparing For Employment
Health Opportunities Preparation Education
Health Organization to Preserve the Environment
Health Outcomes and Pharmacoeconomic (Research Centre)
Helping Our Planet Earth (various organizations)
Helping Ourselves Psychologically Everyday
Heroin Overdose Prevention and Education
High Optical Performance equipment Test
High-performance Open Portable Environment (Mobile Computing Systems)
Homeless Outreach Projects and Evaluation
Honorable and Outstanding Police Enforcer (award; Manila, Philippines)
Honoring Our Professors Excellence
Hospitals for EurOPE (European Hospital and Healthcare Federation)
Human Organ Procurement and Exchange program
Huntsman Online Patient Education (Huntsman Cancer Institute; Salt Lake City, UT)
Hydrogen Outreach Program for Education
Standing Committee for Hospitals in Europe
What does HOPE stand for in Business?
Have Organized Plans Everyday
Have Organized Plans Everyday
Help Overcome Professional Exploitation
Helping Our Peers Excel
Helping Outstanding People Excel
Helping Overcome Professional Exploitation
High Office Parachute Escape
Honoring Occupational and Personal Empowerment
Hyacinth Ornament Production Enterprise
What does HOPE stand for in Community?
H-2 Orbiting Plane (developmental Japanese space plane)
Halley Optical Probe Experiment
Hands On Preschool Education
Hands-On Preschool Education
Hannah Organization For Promoting Education
Happy Opportunity Peace Education
Haudenosaunee Opportunity For Personalized Education
Having Opportunity Provides Empowerment
He Offers Peace Eternal
He Only Provides Eternity
Healing Of People Everywhere
Healing Of Persons Exceptional
Healing Outreach Prevention and Education
Healing, Offering, Preserving, and Enriching
Health Outcomes Planning and Education
Health Outreach And Prevention Education
Health, Outdoor, and Physical Education
Healthy Options Pertaining to Elders
Healthy Outreach Peer Education
Hearing Options, Planning, and Encouragement
Heartlanders Opening People's Eyes
Heaven's Opportunity Proclaimed Everywhere
Help and Opportunity to Pursue Education
Help Obese People Everywhere
Help Offer Private Education
Help Offering Parents Empowerment
Help One Person Excel
Help Other People Everywhere
Help Our Parents Educate
Help Our People Eat
Help Our People Everywhere
Help Our People Excel
Help Our Planet Earth
Help Our Precious Earth
Helpers Overcoming Problems Effectively
Helping One Person Excel
Helping Open Peoples Eyes
Helping Open People's Eyes
Helping Oppressed People Engage
Helping Other Parents Endure
Helping Other People Eat
Helping Other People Effectively
Helping Other People Endure
Helping Other People Everyday
Helping Other People Everywhere
Helping Other People Excel
Helping Others Practice English
Helping Others Progress Economically
Helping Our Pedestrians Everywhere
Helping Our People Endure
Helping Our People Everyday
Helping Ourstanding Pupils Educationally
Helping Out People Everywhere
Helping Outstanding Pupils Educationally
Helping Overcome Prejudice Everywhere
Hendersonians Offering a Promising Environment
High On Pursuing Excellence
Higher Opportunity Program for Education
Highlights of Personal Experience
Highmark Osteoporosis Prevention And Education
Hillside Organization Of Parents And Educators
Himalayan Outreach and Personal Evangelism
His Own People Eternally
Hispanic Organization Promoting Education
History Observation Palpation Evaluation
Hiv Outreach Programs And Education
Hold Onto Positive Expectations
Home of Opportunity, Peace, and Education
Home Opportunity, Prayer, and Education
Home Oriented Programs For Education
Home Ownership Participation for Everyone
Home Ownership Plus Education
Home to Opportunity, Possibility, and Empowerment
Homeless Organizations for Public Education
Homeownership and Opportunity for People Everywhere
Homeownership Opportunities For People Everywhere
Homes Of Personal Encouragement
Homeschool Organization of Parent Educators
Honesty, Openness, Purity, and Energy
Honoring Outstanding Personal Efforts
Honoring Outstanding Prevention Efforts
Hop On People Express
Hope Of Pilgrims Everywhere
Hope Of Prayer for Everyone
Hopkinton Organized to Promote the Economy
House Of Practical English
House Of Prayer for Everyone
Housing Opportunities and Personal Empowerment
Housing Opportunities For People Everywhere
Housing Opportunities, Partnership, and Employment
Housing Our People Effectively
How Our People Exist
Hudson Organization Pro-Education
Human Opportunities Provided Ecumenically
Hydrogen-Oxygen Primary Extraterrestrial Fuel Cell
What does HOPE stand for in Computing?
Hackers On Planet Earth
Hotline Open Protocol Extension
What does HOPE stand for in Governmental?
Head Of Procuring Entity
Help Offer Positive Energy
Helping to Obtain the Promise of Education
Helps On Personal Evaluation
Heroin Overdose Prevention and Enforcement
High On Patriotic Enthusiasm
Hispanics Organized for Political Equality
HOchleistungs PEnetrator (High Power Penetrator) (munitions)
Home Ownership for People Everywhere
Honest, Orderly and Peaceful Election (Philippines)
Honest, Orderly, and Peaceful Elections
Hope and Opportunity for Postsecondary Education Act of 1997
Hopkinton Organizing To Promote The Economy
What does HOPE stand for in Internet?
Hackers Of Planet Earth
Health Opportunities through Physical Education
Hold On, Pain Ends
What does HOPE stand for in Medical?
Healing Outreach Professional Endeavor
Health Opportunities For People Everywhere
Health Opportunity for People Everywhere
Health Organizer Plus Essentials
Health Osteoporosis Progestin Estrogen
Health Outreach and Prevention Education
Heart Outcomes Prevention Evaluation
Helping Oncology Patients Excel
Helping Oncology Patients Exercise
Hold On, Pain Ends
Holsitic Osteoporosis Prevention Education
Humane Options to Prevent Euthanasia
Hypertension Outreach Prevention Education
What does HOPE stand for in Miscellaneous?
Hackers On Planet Earth
Halt Overpopulation with Prevention and Education (animal foundation)
Hamtramck Odyssey Project For Excellence
Happiness Oneness Peace And Equality
Harmony Openness Privilege and Engagement
Harnessing Optimism and Potential Through Education
Haudenosaunee Opportunity For Personalized Education
Have One Possiblity Everytime
Have Only Positive Expectations
Having Other Possibilities Exist
He Offers Peace Eternally (Christianity)
Healing Of Past Emotions
Healing of People Everywhere (Columbine High School fund)
Healing Our Personal Environment
Healing Overcoming Preventing Empowering
Health Options & Positive Energy Foundation
Health Outcomes Planning and Education
Healthy Outreach Peer Education
Hear Our Prayer Everywhere
Hearing Other Peoples Experience
Heart of the Ozarks Parent Educators
Heart Open Please Enter (Alcoholics Anonymous)
Hearts Overall Positive Emotion
Heavens Opportunity Proclaimed Everywhere
Help Offer Private Education
Help Other People Everyday
Help Our Parish Evolve
Help Out Public Educa
Helping Obese People through Education
Helping Obtain Physical And Emotional
Helping Occupy Planet Equitably
Helping Oklahoma Pets Endure
Helping Older Peds Enjoyment
Helping Open People's Eyes, Inc. (Texas; est. 1990)
Helping Other People Enthusiastically (outreach program; various locations)
Helping Other People Excell
Helping Other People Exist
Helping Others Prosper And Encouraging
Helping Others Pursue Endurance
Helping Our Patriots Everywhere
Helping Our People Every
Helping Our People Exceed
Helping Our People Expand (student group)
Helping Our People in Emergencies
Helping Our Pioneers Excel
Helping Our Planet Earth
Helping Ourselves Prosper Economically
Helping Out People Everywhere (Australia)
Helping Overcome Poverty's Effects
Helping Overcome Psychosis Early
Helping to Overcome Problems Effectively
Higher Opportunity Program for Education
Highmark Osteoporosis Prevention And Education
Hillsboro Ohio Paranormal Encounters
Hillsborough Organization for Progress and Equality (Tampa, Florida)
Hispanas Organized for Political Equality
Hispanic Organization of Postal Employees, Inc.
Hispanic Organization to Promote Education
History of Political Economy
Hiv Outreach Programs And Education
Hold On Pain Ends
Hold On Pains Ends
Hold On People, Emmanuel
Hold On, Pain Ends
Hold Onto Prayer Everyday
Hold-Out People Elected
Home Oriented Programs For Education
Homeless and Orphaned Pets Endeavor
Homeless Outreach Population Estimate
Homeless Outreach Proactive Engagement
Homes for Orphaned Pets Exist
Homes of Private Enterprise
Hopkinton Organizing To Promote The Economy
Horrified Observers of Pedestrian Entertainment
Housing Our People Economically
Houstonians Offering Purpose and Encouragement
Humanitarian Organization for Palestinian Equality (student group; University of Michigan, Dearborn)
Humanity Opportunity Prosperity and Equality
HUMMER Owners Prepared for Emergencies (USA)
Hundreds of Original Projects for Employment (Austria)
What does HOPE stand for in Regional?
Houses Of Prayer Everywhere
Nearby & Related
HOPE at HOME stand for
HOPEA stand for
HOPEFUL stand for
HOPES stand for
HOPETH stand for
HOPE-X stand for
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