
a step in the right direction

An action or decision that is considered indicative of positive progress. Enrolling in that degree program was a step in the right direction toward changing careers.
See also: direction, right, step

go in the right direction

1. Lit. to head or travel in the right direction. Are you sure we are going in the right direction? We were supposed to turn back there. We are not going in the right direction.
2. Fig. [for plans or intentions] to be progressing sensibly. Well, everything seems to be going in the right direction—for now anyway. Do you feel that this project is going in the right direction?
See also: direction, right

list to a direction

to lean to one side or another; to lean toward a specific direction. (Usually of ships or boats.) The ship had listed to one side since being struck by the speedboat. The huge ship listed a tiny bit to starboard.
See also: direction, list

ride off in all directions

1. Fig. [for people] to scatter, riding something, such as a horse or a bicycle. (See also run off in all directions.) The boys hopped on their bikes and rode off in all directions. The sheriff got the posse together and they rode off in all directions, looking for the bank robber.
2. Fig. to behave in a totally confused manner; to try to do everything at once. Bill has a tendency to ride off in all directions. He's not organized enough. Now, calm down. There is no sense in riding off in all directions.
See also: all, direction, off, ride

run off in all directions

Fig. [for people] to set out to do something or go somewhere in an aimless and disorganized fashion. (Can also apply to one person. See also ride off in all directions.) The people in the marketing department need some organization. They are always running off in all directions. Stop running off in all directions and focus your energy.
See also: all, direction, off, run

a step in the right direction

an action that is expected to bring good results Both sides agreed that continuing the talks was a step in the right direction.
See also: direction, right, step

step in the right direction, a

A move that advances a course of action, as in Asking Bill to resign is a step in the right direction. This idiom was first recorded in 1871.
See also: right, step

Common Names:

Bozho-Medieval Slavic
Olukayode-Western African, Yoruba
Parnel-English (Archaic)