Faustian bargain

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Faustian bargain

An agreement, bargain, or deal in which a person sacrifices or abandons his or her moral, ethical, or spiritual values in favor of wealth, power, or other benefits. A reference to the legend of Faust, who sold his soul to the devil for unlimited knowledge and power. I fear we might have devised something of a Faustian bargain for ourselves with our overdependence on technology, having traded in every speck of our private lives for flashy gadgets and convenience. She struck a Faustian bargain with the competitors, selling her own company's secrets for shares in each of their companies.
See also: bargain

Common Names:

AnnasAN-əs (English)Biblical, Biblical Latin
ArnoldAHR-nəld (English), AHR-nawlt (German)English, German, Ancient Germanic
Farrukh-Urdu, Uzbek, Tajik
Athanasiusath-ə-NAY-shəs (English)Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Indrajit-Hinduism, Bengali, Indian, Hindi