中文 – 简体
(as) awkward as a cow on a crutch
(have) got it going on
(is) anything going on?
(one's) ass is on the line
(someone's) take on (something)
a bit on the side
a blot on (one's) escutcheon
a blot on escutcheon
a blot on the escutcheon
a blot on the landscape
a box on the ear
a chip on (one's) shoulder
a chip on shoulder
a cloud on the horizon
a drag on someone
a drag on something
a drug on the market
a dwarf standing on the shoulders of giants
a firm hand on the tiller
a fly on the wall
a grip on
a grip on oneself
a handle on
a hanger-on
a hard-on
a hold on a strong
a leg to stand on
a living hell
a lot on (one's) plate
a man/woman on a mission
a monkey on (one's) back
a monkey on back
a new lease on life
a night on the tiles
a notch on (someone's) bedpost
a notch on (someone's) belt
a pat on the back
a plague on both your houses
a play on words
a price on (one's) head
a price on head
a rap across the knuckles
a shoulder to cry on
a slap on the back
a slap on the wrist
able to do (something) standing on (one's) head
able to do blindfolded
about person
abut on
accidentally on purpose
accompany on a journey
accompany on a musical instrument
act (up)on
act on
add on
advance (up)on
advance on
advise (one) on
advise on
agree (up)on
agree on
alight (up)on
alight on
all eyes are on
all eyes are on (someone or something)
all hands on deck
all in one piece
all quiet on the Potomac
all quiet on the Western Front
along in years
along the lines of
An army marches on its stomach
an old head on young shoulders
and so forth
and so on
and so on and so forth
answer on a postcard
anything going on?
appear on
append (something) (on)to
arrive (somewhere) (up)on the stroke of
arrive (up)on the scene
arrive on the scene
arrive on the stroke of some time
as accommodating as a hog on ice
as close as stink on shit
as if (one's) life depends on it
as the white on rice
as you make your bed, so you must lie on it
ass is on the line
at a moment's notice
at death's doorstep
at doorstep
at hand
at one's door
at someone's heels
at the bottom of the ladder
at the double
at the top of the/ agenda
awkward as a cow on a crutch
back burner, on a
back on (one's) feet
back on feet
back on track
back the wrong horse
backfire on
backfire on someone
bag on
bag on someone
bail on someone
bail out on someone
bang on
bank on
bank on someone
bargain for
bargain on
barge in
barge in on
barmy on the crumpet
base (one's) opinion on
base (up)on
base on
base on balls
base opinion on
batting on a sticky wicket
be (a bit) on the expensive side
be (a bit) on the heavy side
be (a bit) on the large side
be (batting) on a losing wicket
be (down) on (one's) uppers
be (flat) on (one's) back
be (living) on another planet
be (not) a patch on
be (not) big on (something)
be (not) on speaking terms
be (out) on the piss
be (out) on the razzle
be (right) on the money
be (sitting) on (one's) tail
be (sitting) on top of the world
be (walking) on thin ice
be a patch on
be as plain as the nose on (one's) face
be as plain as the nose on your face
be at the receiving end
be back on the rails
be bang on
be big on
be built on sand
be caught on the hop
be cooking on gas
be dead on feet
be dead on the vine
be down on (one) like a ton of bricks
be down on (one's) luck
be down on (someone or something)
be down on like a ton of bricks
be down on luck
be easy on the ear
be easy on the eye
be easy on the eye(s)
be fast on the draw
be firing on all cylinders
be floating on air
be gone on
be hard on
be hell on wheels
be hell-bent on
be in on the act
be in the firing line
be keen on
be kept on a short leash
be kept on a tight leash
be knocking on heaven's door
be laughing on the other side of face
be like a cat on a hot tin roof
be like rearranging (the) deckchairs on the Titanic
be like rearranging the deckchairs on the Titanic
be lost on
be lost on (someone)
be not on
be on
be on (its/one's) last legs
be on (one's) ass
be on (one's) best behavior
be on (one's) conscience
be on (one's) good behavior
be on (one's) mettle
be on (one's) pat
be on (one's) Pat Malone
be on (one's) shit list
be on (one's) tod
be on (the) air
be on a collision course
be on a hiding to nothing
be on a rampage
be on a roll
be on a short leash
be on a sticky wicket
be on a tight leash
be on about
be on about (something)
be on acid
be on another planet
be on ass
be on at
be on back
be on best behaviour
be on cloud nine
be on course for
be on edge
be on everyone's lips
be on full alert
be on game
be on good terms with
be on good terms with (someone)
be on guard
be on hand
be on ice
be on in years
be on its last legs
be on last legs
be on mettle
be on pins and needles
be on Queer Street
be on red alert
be on relief
be on shit list
be on song
be on speaking terms
be on tail
be on the [expensive etc.] side
be on the anvil
be on the back burner
be on the back foot
be on the ball
be on the blink
be on the breadline
be on the brink of
be on the bum
be on the cards
be on the case
be on the crest of a wave
be on the dole
be on the edge of (something)
be on the fiddle
be on the fritz
be on the front foot
be on the game
be on the go
be on the gravy train
be on the hook
be on the horn
be on the horns of a dilemma
be on the hush
be on the hush-hush
be on the level
be on the line
be on the lines of (something)
be on the look out
be on the lookout
be on the loose
be on the make
be on the march
be on the mend
be on the money
be on the piss
be on the pull
be on the radar (screen)
be on the ragged edge
be on the rampage
be on the razzle
be on the right lines
be on the right track
be on the rocks
be on the ropes
be on the run
be on the same wavelength
be on the sick list
be on the side of the angels
be on the skids
be on the square
be on the table
be on the threshold of
be on the threshold of (something)
be on the tip of (one's) tongue
be on the tip of tongue
be on the up
be on the up and up
be on the wagon
be on the warpath
be on the wing
be on the wrong end of
be on the wrong end of (something)
be on the wrong track
be on thin ice
be on to
be on to (someone)
be on to (something)
be on to a good thing
be on top of the world
be on track
be on uppers
be on welfare
be one up on
be out on (one's) ear
be out on (one's) feet
be out on a limb
be out on ear
be out on the tiles
be out on the town
be quick on the draw
be running on empty
be running on fumes
be sacrificed on the altar of
be sitting on a goldmine
be skating on thin ice
be slow on the uptake
be soft on
be spot on
be stuck on
be the day hell freezes over
be the only pebble on the beach
Be there with bells on
be thin on the ground
be thin on top
be walking on eggshells
be well up on
be worth the paper it's're printed on
bear on
beat down on
beat on
beat up
beat up on
becoming on
beg on bended knee
behind in
bent on
bent on a splice
bent on doing
bestow on
bet on
bet on it
bet on the wrong horse
better get on my horse
bid for
bid on
big man on campus
big on
big woman on campus
bite on
bite on someone
black on black
blame on
blank look on (one's) face
blank on
blight on the land
block on
blot on the landscape
blow on
Blow on it!
blow the lid off
blow the whistle on
boogie on down
book on
book on out
boots on the ground
border on
born on the wrong side of the blanket
born with a caul on (one's) head
both feet on the ground
both feet on the ground, with
box on the table
boxed on the table
brave face, put on a
bread always falls on the buttered side
break a butterfly on a wheel
break in
break on
breathe on
brief about
bright side
bring down on
bring down the curtain (on something)
bring it on
bring on
bring on oneself
bring someone on
bring up on
brood about
browse on
brush up
build (something) on sand
build hopes on
build on
build on sand
bums on seats
burst on
burst on the scene
bust on someone/something
busy as a beaver
butt is on the line
butter (one's) bread on both sides
buy on credit
buy on time
by request
calculate on
call on
call on the carpet
can count on the fingers of one hand
can on ear
capitalize on
carrot on a stick
carry a Chinaman on (one's) back
carry on
carry on somehow
carry on without
carry onto
carry the weight of the world on shoulders
cash in
cash in on opportunity
cash on the barrelhead
cash on the nail
cast (some) light on (something)
cast a pall on
cast aspersions on
cast doubt on
cast on
cat on a hot tin roof
catch (on) fire
catch on
catch on the hop
catch up
catch up on
caught on the hop
cement on
center on
challenge on
champagne taste on a beer budget
chance on
charge down on
charge on
cheat on
check on
check up on
cheer on
cherry on top
chew on
chew on the scenery
chicken out on
chip on one's shoulder
chip on shoulder
chisel in on someone/something
choke on
clamber onto
clamp down on
clamp on
clap eyes on
clap on
clean up
clean up on something
climb on
climb on high horse
climb on the bandwagon
cling on on by fingernails
cling on on by your fingertips
clip on
clip over the ear
close as stink on shit
close in
close on
close the book on
close the books on
close the door on
close the sale
cloud on the horizon
cogitate on
collect on
come down hard on someone
come down on
come down on the side of
come in
come on
come on as
come on in
Come on in, the water's fine!
come on like gangbusters
come on over
come on strong
come on the scene
come on to
come on to someone
come on top of
come out on
come out on top
comment about
Common Names:
Gil (1)
Spanish, Portuguese
Ancient Germanic
, MEEN-nah
German (Archaic), Finnish, Swedish
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