中文 – 简体
to equal someone’s bet in poker.
I see your five and raise you ten.
To have hallucinations.
"I see," said the blind man
(boy,) am I glad to see you!
a look-see
Am I glad to see you!
as far as I can see
as far as the eye can see
as I see it
be [glad etc.] to see the back of
be glad to see the back of (someone)
begin to see daylight
begin to see the light
Believe nothing of what you hear, and only half of what you see
can see (from) a mile off
cannot see any further than the end of one’s nose
cannot see further than the end of one’s nose
cannot see the wood for the trees
can't see a hole in a ladder
can't see beyond the end of nose
can't see beyond the end of one's nose
can't see farther than the end of (one's) nose
can't see hand in front of face
can't see past the end of (one's) nose
can't see straight
can't see the forest for the trees
can't see the wood for the trees
color of someone's money, see the
Come back and see us
Could I see you again?
Could I see you in my office?
don't see you much around here anymore
fail to see
find out how the land lies
first see the light of day
from can see to can't see
from my perspective
go to see a man about a dog
good to see you
have a look-see
have name in lights
hide nor hair
hope to see you again
I see
I see what you did there
If you don't see what you want, please ask
I'll be seeing you
I'll believe it when I see it
I'll see you later
in a bad light
in the cards
just (you) wait (and see)!
let me see
let's see
Long time no see
look after
look into
make (one) see stars
meet in the flesh
Monkey see, monkey do
naked eye
never thought I'd see you here!
nice to see you
not able to see the forest for the trees
Not if I see you sooner, and Not if I see you first
not see any objection
not see the forest for the trees
not see the wood for the trees
on the dot
run up
see (someone's) point
see (the) red mist
see a man about a dog
see a man about a horse
see about
see across
see after
see against
see ahead
see around
see as
see back
see beyond
see daylight
see double
see down to
see eye to eye
see fit
see for dust
see for what are
see home
see how the land lies
see how the wind blows
see how the wind is blowing
See if I care!
see in
see in a new light
see in hell before
see into
see it coming
see life
See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil
see no further than the end of nose
see no further than the end of one’s nose
see no objection
see of
see off
see one's way to
see out
see over
see reason
see red
see right
see service
see someone off
see stars
see that is done
see the back of
see the color of money
see the colour of money
see the elephant
see the error of ways
see the glass half empty
see the glass half full
see the last of
see the light
see the light of day
see the point (of something)
see the point in (doing) (something)
see the sights
see the writing on the wall
see things
see through
see through rose-colored glasses
see to
see to some place
see up to
see which way the cat jumps
see which way the wind blows
see which way the wind is blowing
see with half an eye
See ya
See ya, bye-bye
See you
See you around
see you in a little while
See you in another life
See you in church
See you in the funny pages
See you later
See you later, alligator
see you next Tuesday
see you next year
see you soon
see you then
see you tomorrow
See you, too
see your way to
seeing things
show the door
suck it and see
there for everyone to see
There's none so blind as those who will not see
they that live longest see most
try to catch you some other time
wait and see
wait-and-see attitude
What the eye doesn't see, the heart doesn't grieve over
What you see is what you get
Will I see you again?
would see in hell before would
Common Names:
English, Irish
Eda (1)
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