10 Downing Street

The address of the residence of the prime minister of the United Kingdom, used by extension to refer to the prime minister or the current UK government. Primarily heard in UK. Swift condemnation of the attack has come from 10 Downing Street, the White House, and the Kremlin.
See also: 10, Down, street

23 Skidoo Street

A fictitious location referring to a place away from possible or looming trouble, taken from the phrase "23 skidoo." Primarily heard in US. Those guys ahead look rough, let's head over to 23 Skidoo Street.
See also: 23, Skidoo, street


1. and stum [st?m] and stumble-bumbles (ˈstəmblæˈbəmblæz) n. barbiturates; sedatives; tranquilizers; alcohol. (Drugs.) Kelly was shocked to find a handful of stumble-bumbles in his brother’s jeans.
2. n. the inability to stand up and walk straight. I guess I have the stumbles today. Not enough sleep, I guess.
See also: stumble

stum [st?m]

See also: stum

Common Names:

UlriikkaOOL-ree:k-kahFinnish (Rare)
Albanus-Ancient Roman