sealed with a kiss

 and SWAK
written and sent with love and care. (The initialism is sometimes written on love letters. Also an acronym.) All her letters come SWAK. I know they are sealed with a kiss, because she says so.
See also: kiss, seal

sealed with a kiss

and SWAK
mod. written and sent with love and care. (The initialism is sometimes written on love letters. Also an acronym.) I know they are sealed with a kiss, because she says so.
See also: kiss, seal




A mark of affection on the back of an envelope. Before e-mail, Facebook, and Twitter, people exchanged romantic sentiments by means of handwritten letters. One way to include a final bit of tenderness was to write S.W.A.K. on the back of the envelope. Women often blotted their lipstick over the four letters to emphasize their love.

Common Names:

MarcusMAR-kuws (Ancient Roman, Biblical Latin), MAHR-kəs (English)Ancient Roman, Biblical Latin, English, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish
StewartSTOO-ərt, STYOO-ərtEnglish, Scottish
IwanEE-wan (Welsh), EE-vahn (Polish)Welsh, Polish