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(someone) could sell an icebox to an Eskimo
(the/an/one's) artistic style
A for effort
a lonely little petunia in an onion patch
a means to an end
a riddle wrapped in an enigma
a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma
a Roland for an Oliver
able to make an event
absent-minded professor
acclimate to
ace in the hole
Achilles' heel
acid test
acquired taste
act of faith
act of God
affinity for
all good things come to an end
all good things must (come to an) end
amber gambler
ambulance chaser
an about-face
an accident waiting to happen
an ace in the hole
an Achilles' heel
an acid test
an act of faith
an act of God
an act of war
an aide-mémoire
an Aladdin's cave
an all-out effort
an all-rounder
an amber gambler
an ambulance chaser
An apple a day keeps the doctor away
an arm and a leg
An army marches on its stomach
an article of faith
an attack
an attack of
an auspicious occasion
an awkward customer
an eager beaver
an earful
an early bath
an early bird
an earth mother
an educated guess
an ego trip
an elephant never forgets
an embarrassment of riches
an éminence grise
An empty sack cannot stand upright
an end in itself
an enfant terrible
An Englishman's home is his castle
an even break
An eye for an eye
an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth
an honest buck
an honest mistake
an Indian giver
an Indian summer
an inside job
an iron fist in a velvet glove
an iron hand in a velvet glove
an iron man
an itchy palm
an itchy trigger finger
an ivory tower
an offer one can't refuse
an old chestnut
an old flame
an old hand
an old head on young shoulders
an old maid
an old shoe
an old wives' tale
an open book
an open invitation
an open marriage
an open sesame
an own goal
an ugly duckling
an Uncle Tom
an unknown quantity
an uphill battle
an/(one's) ivory tower
an/(one's) old flame
an/the olive branch
apple a day
apple polisher
arm and a leg
artificial language
as an aside
asking price
at an early date
at an end
at an impasse
avenue of escape
bat an eye
bat an eyelash
bat an eyelid
be (as) strong as an ox
be an [artist.] to fingertips
be an apology for
be an easy touch
be an open book
be as slippery as an eel
be as strong as an ox
be easy meat
beat to within an inch of life
best-laid plans of mice and men oft go astray
Better be an old man's darling than a young man's slave
blink of an eye
boot or an animal out
bring (one's) arse to an anchor
bring (one's) ass to an anchor
bring an amount of money in
bring to a close
budge an inch
burst with (an emotion)
call off
can talk the legs off an iron pot
can't boil an egg
carry an amount of weight
cash in on opportunity
cast eye over
celebrate for an accomplishment
chase in some place
come out at an amount
come to a close
come to an end
come to an impasse
come to an understanding
come to an untimely end
come within an ace of
come within an inch of
come within an inch of doing
comfortable as an old shoe
comfortable as an old shoe, as
common as an old shoe
confine or an animal to
confuse or an animal with
cop an attitude
cost a pretty penny
cost an arm and a leg
cram for an examination
create an uproar
cut an [interesting etc.] figure
dead in or an animal's tracks
deaf as a post
deaf as an adder
dig (oneself) an early grave
dig (someone) an early grave
do an about-face
Don’t get your bowels in an uproar!
done and done
Don't get your bowels in an uproar!
draw against an amount of money
draw an inference
drive (oneself) to an early grave
drive (someone) to an early grave
drive out
drop the F-bomb
eager beaver
early bird
earn an honest buck
earth mother
eat up
educated guess, an
ego trip
enfant terrible
epic fail
even break
everything an' all
eye for an eye
eye for an eye, an
eye opener, an
eye to the main chance, have an
eye to, with an
fence an animal in
fix an animal
float an air biscuit
float an idea
force or an animal from
form an opinion
frighten into
frighten to death
Genius is an infinite capacity for taking pains
get an amount of money for
get an earful
get an even break
get an eyeball on someone/something
get an eyeful
get an in with
get bowels in an uproar
get into an argument
get one’s bowels in an uproar
get up an appetite
give (someone) an out
give an account
give an arm and a leg (for something)
give an earful
give an inch
Give an inch and he'll take a mile
Give an inch and take a mile
give an inch and they'll take a mile
give someone an earful
Go chase yourself!
Go fry an egg!
go on for an age
gracious plenty
hang an arse
harness an animal up
hatch an animal out
have a memory like an elephant
have a soft spot for or an animal
have an accident
have an ace up one’s sleeve
have an ace up sleeve
have an affair
have an alcohol problem
have an appetite for
have an argument
have an ax to grind
have an axe to grind
have an ear for
have an easy time of it
have an edge on
have an effect on
have an eye for
have an eye for the main chance
have an impact on
have an itch for something
have an open mind
have an out
have an ox on the tongue
have half an ear on
have half an eye on
have one's eye on
have the constitution of an ox
have up sleeve
hazard an opinion
hold an eel by the tail
hold out an olive branch
hold up as an example
hound or an animal down
ill wind that blows no one any good, it's an
in a/the flash of an/the eye
in an age of years
in an interesting condition
in an ivory tower
in the blink of an eye
in the twinkle of an eye
in the twinkling of an eye
in the wink of an eye
Indian summer
iron curtain
iron man
It would take an act of Congress to do
itch for, have an
itchy palm
it's all fun and games until someone loses an eye
It's an ill bird that fouls its own nest
It's an ill wind
it's an ill wind that blows no good
it's an ill wind that blows nobody any good
It's an ill wind that blows nobody good
it's the same old story
keep an act up
keep an ear out for
keep an ear to the ground
keep an eye on
keep an eye open
keep an eye out
keep an eye out for
keep an eye peeled (for something or someone)
keep an open mind
keep an/ ear to the ground
keep eye on
keep on an even keel
keep up an act
labor under an assumption
lay an egg
lead out of
leave an impression
lend an ear
lend an ear to
lend one's ear
let out of
like an owl in an ivy bush
live in an/(one's) ivory tower
live off smell of an oily rag
live on an amount of money
live on the smell of an oily rag
make a fool of
make a point of
make a scene
make an appearance
make an appointment
make an ass of
make an end of (something)
make an entrance
make an example of
make an exception
make an exhibition of
make an exhibition of oneself
make an honest buck
make an honest woman of
make an impression
make an impression on
make an offer
maroon on an island
mate with
mate with an animal
means to an end
milestone in life
never give a sucker an even break
no fool like an old fool, there's
no man is an island
not bat an eye
not bat an eyelid
not have an earthly chance
not let catch doing
not take no for an answer
oceans of
odd fish
of a morning/afternoon/evening
offer an olive branch (to someone)
offer one cannot refuse
oil burner
old chestnut
old fart
old maid
old salt
old story, an
old warhorse
old wives' tale
on a (subject or activity) kick
on an average
on an empty stomach
on an even keel
on an irregular basis
open book
open mind
open sesame
ordeal by fire
Oreo cookie
ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, an
out an amount of money
outside chance
pay an arm and a leg
pay off
pick a quarrel
place an order
place in an awkward position
Prevention is better than cure
produce an attack
pull an all-nighter
pull an attitude
pull down an amount of money
push at an open door
put a stop to
put an amount of time in on
put an animal down
put an animal out
put an end
put an end to
put an idea in(to) (someone's) head
put at an amount
put down (an animal)
put ideas into someone's head
put in an appearance
put in an awkward position
put on an act
put out of
raise an eyebrow
raise an objection
reach an accord
reach an impasse
reach an understanding with
rope or an animal up
rule with a rod of iron
rule with an iron fist
run an errand
run off smell of an oily rag
run on the smell of an oily rag
saddle an animal up
scare out of
scrape up an acquaintance
see with half an eye
send (someone) to an early grave
send on an errand
set an example
settle a score
settle an old score (with someone)
shake like an aspen leaf
shell an amount of money out
shell out an amount of money
sit for an exam
skin an eel by the tail
slippery as an eel
smoke out of
start out at an amount of money
starve out of some place
straight as an arrow
strain for an effect
strong as a horse
strong as an ox
success has many fathers, failure is an orphan
suffer an attack
swift as an arrow
take an amount of money for
take an axe to
take an eye for an eye
take an interest
take an interest in
take an oath
take for an idiot and take for a fool
take no for an answer
take no for an answer, not
take or an animal in
talk like an apothecary
teach an old dog new tricks
terrify or an animal out of
the Indian sign
the law is an ass
the opening of an envelope
the smell of an oily rag
there is an exception to every rule
There, there
There's many a good tune played on an old fiddle
There's no fool like an old fool
throw an amount of light on
throw an eye on (something)
throw an eye over (something)
throw off
to a degree
to an extent
to some degree
tough as an old boot
trade off the orchard for an apple
trust an inch
turn an honest penny
turn out of
ugly duckling
up an’ Adam
up an’ at ’em
up and at them
uphill battle
use as an excuse
watch with an eagle eye
wise as Solomon
with a view to doing
with an eye on
with an eye to
with an eye towards
within an ace of
within an ace of doing something
within an ace of something
within an inch of
within an inch of life
without batting an eye
without blinking an eye
won't budge an inch
won't take no for an answer
worry an animal out of
wrangle for an ass's shadow
You cannot make an omelet without breaking eggs
You cannot teach an old dog new tricks
You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs
you can't put an old head on young shoulders
You can't teach an old dog new tricks
You couldn't!
you're an angel
you've got to crack a few eggs to make an omelette
Common Names:
Norwegian, Danish, Swedish
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