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(as) (a)like as (two) peas in a pod
(as) awkward as a cow on a crutch
(as) baleful as death
(as) black as (one's) hat
(as) black as a raven
(as) black as a raven's feather
(as) black as a raven's wing
(as) black as ink
(as) black as Newgate's knocker
(as) black as the devil
(as) black as the minister's coat
(as) black as thunder
(as) certain as death and taxes
(as) cross as a bear
(as) cross as a bear with a sore head
(as) fast as lightning
(as) flat as a strap
(as) free as a bird
(as) mad as a wet hen
(as) mad as hops
(as) neat as ninepence
(as) nice as ninepence
(as) often as not
(as) old as the hills
(as) quick as a bunny
(as) quick as lightning
(as) quiet as the grave
(as) rare as hens' teeth
(as) rare as rocking horse crap
(as) rare as rocking horse poo
(as) rare as rocking horse shit
(as) right as a trivet
(as) right as ninepence
(as) round as Giotto's O
(as) sick as a dog
(as) sick as a parrot
(as) silent as the grave
(as) slow as molasses
(as) smooth as a baby's bottom
(as) smooth as silk
(as) sure as a gun
(as) sure as death and taxes
(as) thick as a brick
(as) thick as a shit
(as) thick as two short planks
(as) thin as a rake
(as) thin as a stick
(in) so far as
(it's) just as well (that) (something happened)
(just) as I expected
a chain is only as strong as its weakest link
a change is as good as a rest
a list as long as arm
A miss is as good as a mile
a nod is as good as a wink
A nod's as good as a wink
accept (something) as
accept as
accept as gospel
acknowledge (one) as
acknowledge as
act as
address (one) as
address as
adopt (someone/something) as
adopt as
alike as peas in a pod
alike as two peas in a pod
all oak and iron bound and *sound as a barrel
also known as
American as apple pie
appear as
as (one) pleases
as (something) as they come
as . . . as
as a (general) rule
as a dog returns to his vomit, so a fool repeats his folly
as a duck takes to water
as a last resort
as a matter of course
as a matter of fact
as a pig loves marjoram
as a result
as a result of (something)
as a rule
as a side note
as a token
as a token of (something)
as a whole
as accommodating as a hog on ice
as alike as peas in a pod
as alike as two peas in a pod
as all get out
as all getout
as all get-out
as American as apple pie
as an aside
as and when
as as they come
as bad as all that
as best can
as best one can
as big as life
as bold as Beauchamp
as bold as brass
as clear as black and white
as clear as mud
as clear as vodka
as close as stink on shit
as common as muck
as dead as a doornail
as drunk as a lord
as dull as dishwater
as ever trod shoe-leather
as far as
as far as (one) knows
as far as (someone/something) is concerned
as far as (something) goes
as far as anyone knows
as far as are concerned
as far as goes
as far as I can see
as far as is concerned
as far as it goes
as far as possible
as far as that goes
as far as the eye can see
as fat as a beached whale
as follows
as for
as free as a bird
as fresh as a daisy
as fuck
as gay as pink ink
as good as
as good as (one's) word
as good as word
as hell
as hot as highway blacktop
as I expected
as I live and breathe
As I live and breathe!
as I see it
as I was saying
as if
as if (one) owns the place
as if (one's) life depends on it
As if I care!
as if own the place
as if that were not enough
as if the sun shines out (someone's) backside
as if there was/were no tomorrow
as if there's no tomorrow
As if!
as is
as it comes
as it happens
as it is
as it so happens
as it stands
as it were
as jober as a sudge
as large as life
as like as not
as likely as not
as long as
as luck may have it
as luck would have it
as many
as many as
as much
as much as
as much as (one's) life is worth
as much as anything
as much as anything (else)
as much chance as a wax cat in hell
as nutty as a fruitcake
as of
as often as not
as old as the hills
as one
as one man
as opposed to
as per
as per usual
as phony as a three-dollar bill
as pissed as a fart
as queer as a three-dollar bill
as quick as a flash
as regards
as right as rain
as sick as a dog
as sin
as sober as a judge
as soon as
as soon as possible
as straight as a die
as such
as sure as hell
as the actress said to the bishop
As the actress said to the bishop...
as the actress said to the pope
as the crow flies
as the day is long
as the next girl
as the next guy
as the spirit moves
as the spirit moves (one)
as the twig is bent, so is the tree inclined
as the white on rice
as the wind blows
as things stand
as though
as tight as a tick
as to
as to be
as ugly as sin
as usual
as we speak
as well
as well as
as yet
as you know
as you make your bed, so you must lie on it
as you please
As you sow, so shall you reap
awkward as a cow on a crutch
bald as a coot
baleful as death
be (as) blind as a bat
be (as) busy as a bee
be (as) clean as a whistle
be (as) cold as ice
be (as) dead as a doornail
be (as) easy as one-two-three
be (as) easy as rolling off (of) a log
be (as) flat as a pancake
be (as) fresh as a daisy
be (as) green as a gooseberry
be (as) hard as nails
be (as) mad as a hatter
be (as) nutty as a fruitcake
be (as) old as the hills
be (as) pleased as punch
be (as) pure as the driven snow
be (as) quiet as a mouse
be (as) right as rain
be (as) sick as a dog
be (as) silent as the grave
be (as) snug as a bug in a rug
be (as) sober as a judge
be (as) solid as a rock
be (as) sound as a dollar
be (as) stiff as a board
be (as) strong as an ox
be (as) stubborn as a mule
be (as) thick as a brick
be (as) thick as a shit
be (as) thick as a short plank
be (as) thick as thieves
be (as) thin as a rail
be (as) tough as old boots
be (as) ugly as sin
be (as) white as snow
be (not) as black as (someone/something) is painted
be as (something) as they come
be as [crazy etc.] as they come
be as [fast etc.] as all get out
be as American as apple pie
be as bald as a coot
be as black as are is painted
be as blind as a bat
be as bright as a button
be as brown as a berry
be as busy as a bee
be as clean as a whistle
be as clear as crystal
be as clear as day
be as clear as mud
be as cold as ice
be as cool as a cucumber
be as cute as a button
be as daft as a brush
be as dead as a dodo
be as dead as a doornail
be as deaf as a post
be as dry as a bone
be as dull as dishwater
be as easy as abc
be as easy as falling off a log
be as easy as pie
be as fit as a fiddle
be as flat as a pancake
be as fresh as a daisy
be as full as a boot
be as gentle as a lamb
be as good as (one's) word
be as good as dead
be as good as gold
be as good as gone
be as good as new
be as good as word
be as happy as a sandboy
be as happy as Larry
be as happy as Larry sandboy
be as hard as nails
be as high as a kite
be as honest as the day
be as honest as the day is long
be as keen as mustard
be as light as a feather
be as mad as a hatter
be as mad as a hornet
be as mad as a March hare
be as nice as pie
be as nutty as a fruitcake
be as old as Methuselah
be as old as the hills
be as plain as the nose on (one's) face
be as plain as the nose on your face
be as pleased as Punch
be as poor as church mice
be as pure as the driven snow
be as quiet as a mouse
be as regular as clockwork
be as right as rain
be as safe as houses
be as scarce as hen's teeth
be as sharp as a tack
be as sick as a dog
be as sick as a parrot
be as silent as the grave
be as slippery as an eel
be as snug as a bug in a rug
be as sober as a judge
be as solid as a rock
be as sound as a bell
be as sound as a dollar
be as stiff as a board
be as stiff as a ramrod
be as straight as a die
be as strong as an ox
be as stubborn as a mule
be as thick as thieves
be as thick as two short planks
be as thin as a rake
be as thin as a stick
be as tough as old boots
be as ugly as sin
be as white as a sheet
be as white as snow
be as/like oil and water
be bone dry
be chalk and cheese
be it as it may
be like taking candy from a baby
be like watching grass grow
be like watching paint dry
be more fun than a barrel of monkeys
be so bold as to do
be taken as read
be that as it may
big around as a molasses barrel
big as all outdoors
big as life
black as a skillet
black as night
black as one is painted
black as pitch
blind as a bat
bold as brass
bricks shy of a load
bright as a button
bright as a new pin
broad as a barn door
brown as a berry
bull in a china shop
business as usual
busy as a beaver
busy as a hibernating bear
butter wouldn't melt in one's mouth
can't say as I do
cast as
catch as catch can
charge off as
choose as
clean as a hound's tooth
clean as a whistle
clear as a bell
clear as crystal
clear as mud
clear as vodka
close as a clam
close as stink on shit
close as the bark to the tree
close as two coats of paint
cocky as the king of spades
cold as a welldigger's ass
come across like
come as no surprise
come on as
comfortable as an old shoe
comfortable as an old shoe, as
common as an old shoe
conceited as a barber's cat
conceive of as
condemn as
construe as
cool as a cucumber
count as
cracked up to be
crazy as a betsy bug
crazy as a loon
crooked as a barrel of fish hooks
cross as a bear
cross as two sticks
crystal clear, be
cute as a bug's ear
cute as a button
dead as a dodo
dead as a doornail
deaf as a post
deaf as an adder
death and taxes, certain as
define as
denounce as
depict as
deputize as
describe as
designate as
devil is not so black as he is painted
different as night and day
disguise as
dismiss as
do as I say
Do as I say, not as I do
do duty as
do unto others as you would have them do unto you
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
double as
dress as
drunk as a fiddler
drunk as a lord
drunk as a skunk
dry as dust
dull as dishwater
easy as A, B, C
easy as ABC
easy as falling off a log
easy as one-two-three
easy as pie
employ as
engage as
Enough is as good as a feast
envisage as
envision as else
establish as
evaluate as
every bit as
exciting as watching paint dry
extol as
false as Cressida
fancy as
fat as a beached whale
fat as a pig
feature as
feel as if a cat has kittened in (one's) mouth
figure as
fine with me
finger as
finger someone as someone
fit as a fiddle
flat as a board
flat as a pancake
flop as
free as a bird
fresh as a daisy
full as a tick
function as
funny as a barrel of monkeys
funny as a crutch
fussy as a hen with one chick
gaudy as a butterfly
gay as pink ink
gentle as a lamb
give as good as get
give as good as one gets
give up as a bad job
go as
go beet red
go beetroot
go down as
go so far as to
go so far as to say
good as (one's) word
good as done
good as done, as
Common Names:
Croatian, Serbian, Medieval Slavic
Ancient Scandinavian
Dutch, Limburgish
Spanish, Portuguese
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