

1. adjective Sold at an extremely low or reduced price; very inexpensive. The term comes from a bin or some other container in a store or shop where very inexpensive items or those at greatly reduced prices are sold. I found these great bargain-bin sneakers on the clearance rack at the shoe store.
2. adjective Of very poor or inferior quality; having very little or no value. It's no wonder your bargain-bin phone has stopped working. If you want a phone that lasts, you have to pay the price for it.

loony bin

n. an insane asylum; a mental hospital. Today’s loony bins are far different from those of just a few decades ago.
See also: bin, loony


n. a van fitted with bedding as a place for necking and lovemaking. Willy said he was saving his money to buy a sin-bin so he could have more fun on dates.

loony bin

Insane asylum. The word “lunatic” comes from the word for “moon”; madness was associated in many cultures with the effect of the phases of the moon on the human mind. From lunatic came loony, and loony bin was where insane people were incarcerated. The phrase is now considered insulting in the extreme, as are “booby hatch” (originally a covered passageway down a ship deck), “funny farm,” “drool academy,” and “foam rubber city” (a reference to padded cells).
See also: bin, loony

Common Names:

Iva (3)-Czech
Mara (1)MAHR-ə (English), MAR-ə (English)Biblical