
not say boo to a goose

To be particularly shy, diffident, or timid by nature. Primarily heard in UK. My brother is a very sweet, warm-hearted man who wouldn't say boo to a goose. How can you suspect him of committing this crime? The neighbour's daughter is just the cutest little thing, but she won't say boo to a goose.
See also: boo, goose, not, say

not say boo to a fly

To be particularly shy, diffident, or timid by nature. Primarily heard in Australia. My brother is a very sweet, warm-hearted man who wouldn't say boo to a fly. How can you suspect him of committing this crime? The neighbour's daughter is just the cutest little thing, but she couldn't say boo to a fly.
See also: boo, fly, not, say

not say boo (to anyone)

1. To be particularly shy, diffident, or timid by nature. Primarily heard in US. My brother is a very sweet, warm-hearted man who wouldn't say boo to anyone. How can you suspect him of committing this crime?
2. To not say a word (to anyone); to keep quiet. Primarily heard in US. The neighbor's daughter is just the cutest little thing, but she wouldn't say boo the whole time we were there. I trust you didn't say boo to those coppers about the little side business we've been running here?
See also: boo, not, say

na-na na-na boo-boo

A teasing nonsense phrase typically said by children. You can't catch me! Na-na na-na boo-boo!


slang One's romantic partner. Often used as a term of endearment. I don't have any plans tonight—just staying home with my boo. Come on, boo, are you ready to go yet?

boo someone off the stage

 and boo someone off
to jeer and hoot, causing a performer to leave the stage. The rude audience booed the performer off the stage. The audience booed off the comedian.
See also: boo, off, stage

can't say boo to a goose

Rur. shy and not talkative. I was surprised to see Joe so talkative at the party. Usually he can't say boo to a goose. She's a quiet little kid. Can't say boo to a goose.
See also: boo, goose, say

not say boo

  (American informal)
to say nothing She expected the boss to be really angry, but he didn't say boo.
See also: boo, say

wouldn't say boo to a goose

  (British informal) also wouldn't say boo/wouldn't say boo to a fly (American/Australian informal/informal)
if someone wouldn't say boo to a goose, they are shy and nervous She wouldn't say boo to a goose, so I don't think she's cut out for a career in the police. I remember her as a quiet little girl who wouldn't say boo.
See also: boo, goose, say


n. a person who boos frequently at games or other public events. The catcher turned and stared right at the loudmouthed boo-bird. Everybody knew what he was thinking.


1. n. an error. (see also make a boo-boo.) It’s only a small boo-boo. Don’t stress yourself.
2. n. a hurt; a cut; a bruise. She has a little boo-boo on her knee.

make a boo-boo

tv. to make an error. (see also boo-boo.) Everybody makes a boo-boo every now and then.
See also: make

Common Names:

Waldhar-Ancient Germanic
Mabon-Welsh, Welsh Mythology
Venkat-Indian, Telugu, Kannada, Tamil, Malayalam