中文 – 简体
(as) baleful as death
(as) certain as death and taxes
(as) sure as death and taxes
a death blow
a death trap
a fate worse than death
a living death
a matter of life and death
a matter of life or death
at death's door
at death's doorstep
badger to death
baleful as death
be a fate worse than death
be at death's door
be bored to death
be done to death
be sick and tired of
be sick to death of (something)
be snatched from the jaws of death
be the death of
be thrilled to death
be tickled pink death
be tired to death of (something)
beat (something) to death
between life and death
bleed to death
blue screen of death
bore stiff
bore to death
bored silly
brush with death
catch cold
catch death
catch death!
catch one's death (of cold)
Cowards die many times before their death
dance with death
deal a death blow
death and taxes
death and taxes, certain as
death blow
death by spell check
Death is the great leveler
death knell
death on
death on someone/something
death on something
death spiral
death toll
death trap
death warmed up
dice with death
die a death
die a natural death
do (something) to death
do the hard yards
fate worse than death
fate worse than death, a
fight to the death
flog to death
freeze to death
frighten to death
frightened to death
Give me liberty, or give me death!
hang on like grim death
have a death wish
in at the death
kiss of death
lie at death's door
like death
like death warmed over
like death warmed up
living death
look like death
love to death
matter of life and death
matter of life and death, a
meet death
nickel and dime someone to death
Nothing is certain but death and taxes
on pain of death
pale as a ghost
pounce at the death
put to death
scare out of one's wits
scare to death
scared to death
send to death
sick and tired
sick to death
sick to death of
sick to death of someone or something
sign one's own death warrant
sign own death warrant
snatch (someone) from the jaws of death
snatch out of the jaws of death
sound the death knell
sound the death knell for
still as death
struggle to the death
sudden death
the kiss of death
The wages of sin is death
There is a remedy for everything except death
thrill to pieces
thrilled to death
tickle to death
tickled pink
tickled to death
till death do us part
till death us do part
tired out
tired to death of (something)
to death
to the death
toll the death knell
under pain of death
valley of death
valley of the shadow of death
will be the death of
worried sick
yes (one) to death
you'll be the death of me
you'll catch your death
you'll catch your death of cold
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Carina (2)
Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, German
Czech, Slovak
English (Rare)
English (Rare)
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