
the red mist descends

To fall into a state of extreme anger, excitement, or competitive arousal, such as might cloud one's judgment or senses. Primarily heard in UK. Their striker isn't the most consistent player on the pitch, but once the red mist descends, you had better get out of his way. I'm not sure what happened. I was at the pub having a pint, and then someone insulted me, and I guess the red mist must have descended, because, the next thing I knew, I was being dragged away with bloodied knuckles.
See also: descend, mist, red

descend from someone

or some group [for a living creature] to come from a particular set of ancestors. I descend from a large family of Dutch traders. Wally is descended from Daniel Boone.
See also: descend

descend from something

to move down from something. The bird descended from the top of the tree to a lower branch. Take care when you descend from the ladder.
See also: descend

descend into something

to go down into something. The butler descended into the cellar for another bottle of wine. Fred descended into the canyon on an organized tour.
See also: descend

descend to something

1. . Lit. to go down to something. I must descend to the lower level to greet the guests. Gerald descended to the front door to see who was there.
2. Fig. to condescend to do something; to stoop to doing something; to lower oneself to do something bad. I refuse to descend to the performance of such menial duties. I will not descend to a life of crime.
See also: descend

descend (up)on someone or something

1. . Lit. [for something] to come down or fall upon someone or something. Flakes of fluffy snow descended upon the gentle slopes.
2. . Fig. [for people] to arrive or come to someone or something in great numbers. The petitioners descended upon the mayor's office in droves.
See also: descend, on

be descended from

To be related to (an ancestor) by genetic descent from an individual or individuals in a previous generation: She claims to be descended from European royalty.
See also: descend

Common Names:

Numitor-Roman Mythology