
dink someone off

Sl. to make someone angry. Whatever you do, don't dink her off! Why did you have to start out your speech by dinking off the entire audience?
See also: dink, off


  (American informal)
not important or of bad quality (always before noun) We drove into a rinky-dink town in rural Pennsylvania. This isn't rinky-dink stuff - it's high quality furniture.


1. n. a person of East Asian (including Japanese) nationality or decent; originally a person of Chinese nationality or descent. (Much used during the Vietnam War for the Vietnamese. Rude and derogatory.) He said he fought against dinks in the war.
2. n. n. the penis, especially a small one. (Usually objectionable.) God, Fred, you really got a dink. Is it full grown yet?
3. and DINK n. double income, no kids; a (young) married couple with two incomes and no children. (Acronym.) The whole neighborhood is populated by dinks. Not a single child on the block.


See dink

dink someone off

tv. to make someone angry. Why did you have to start out your speech by dinking off the entire audience?
See also: dink, off


mod. cheap; inferior; broken down. I sold my rinky-dink old car yesterday.

Common Names:

Takhmaspa-Ancient Persian
JaidaJAY-dəEnglish (Modern)
Ganesh-Indian, Hindi, Marathi, Kannada, Tamil, Malayalam, Telugu, Bengali, Nepali