中文 – 简体
accustomed to
adore for doing
advise against doing
aid in doing
all the more reason for
argue into doing
be for
be no question of (doing) (something)
be on the edge of (something)
begin by doing
bent on doing
blackmail into doing
bribe into doing
burst out doing
bustle about doing
cannot help doing
capable of doing
catch at
come within an inch of doing
constrain from doing
continue by doing
do (one's) bidding
do (one's) damnedest
do (something) to death
do a 180 degree turn
do a disappearing act
do a vanishing act
do it up brown
do the deed
do the hard yards
do well by doing good
do well for (oneself)
doing okay
doing okay?
dream of doing
embarrass into doing
end up doing
feel like doing
figure on doing
flirt with the idea of doing
frighten into doing
gain by doing
get around to doing
get out of doing (something)
get round to (doing something)
get the knack of
given to doing
go a long way toward doing
go around doing
go on with
hard at
have (some/any) qualms about (something or someone)
have a penchant for doing
have doing
have no business doing
hold off doing
how do you do
How you doing?
If a thing is worth doing, it's worth doing well
ill-disposed to doing
inhibit from doing
instrumental in doing
intent on doing
it is a matter of (doing something)
It will take some doing
jolly (someone) into (doing) (something)
jump at the chance (to do something)
jump at the opportunity (to do something)
keen on doing
keep from doing
know what are doing
lean toward doing
leap at the chance (to do something)
left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing
left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing, the
lose no time (in) doing (something)
make a day of doing
make a living from
make a point of doing
make heavy going of (something)
make overtures about doing
nature's way of (doing something)
need doing
not have a hope in hell (of doing something)
not let catch doing
nothing doing
Nothing doing!
nudge (someone) into (doing) (something)
on the edge of (something)
on the point of doing
on the verge
persist in doing
prevent from doing
reduced to doing
religious about doing
rope into doing
see the point in (doing) (something)
set about doing
stoop to doing
stop from doing
stop short of doing
take a stab at (doing) something
take doing
take some doing
take the liberty of doing
talk out of doing
tease into doing
the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing
the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing
there is no doing
there is no harm in (someone's) doing (something)
think before doing
think nothing of doing
torment into doing
up and about
up to doing
What do you think you are doing here?
what's the use (of doing something)
whip into doing
with a view to doing
within an ace of doing something
without so much as doing
wouldn't dream of doing
Common Names:
, BO-ris
, BAWR-is
Bulgarian, Russian, Slovene, Croatian, Serbian, Macedonian, Georgian, German, History
Near Eastern Mythology
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