
drool bucket

1. An unintelligent or moronic person, derogatorily likened to a mentally disabled person (i.e., one who may drool involuntarily). The Internet is filled with drool buckets like you who make ignorant claims with no basis in reality.
2. A figurative bucket needed to collect saliva as a result of seeing someone or something particularly attractive. I'm going to show you my grandfather's vintage 1967 Corvette—get your drool bucket ready!
3. Someone, especially a baby, who drools a great deal. He's such a happy baby, but my goodness, he's a little drool bucket!
See also: bucket, drool

drool (all) over someone or something

1. . Lit. to drip saliva on someone or something. You're drooling all over my plate! The dog drooled all over my hand.
2. Fig. to envy or desire someone or something. (Alludes to drooling from hunger.) The boys stood there, drooling over the fancy sports car. Wally Wilson spent many hours drooling over photographs of Marilyn.
See also: drool

drool (all) over someone/something

in. to show enormous desire for someone or something. Sam was drooling over Martha like a lovesick calf.
See also: all, drool

drool over someone/something

See also: drool


mod. can withstand idiots who drool. (Of well-written software that even droolings idiots can operate without crashing.) This software package is drool-proof. Even my grandmother could use it.

Common Names:

ChristmasKRIS-məsEnglish (Rare)
Karena-English (Rare)
MarkMAHRK (English, Russian)English, Russian, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Biblical