To be extremely drunk, especially to the point of losing consciousness. I think you should call a cab for Tony—he's looking pretty blotto. It seems like my brother's only goal during college is to go out and get blottoed as often as possible.
install(ed) base
business jargon The number units of a particular product or service that are currently in use, especially software or an Internet or computing platform. (Also referred to as "install(ed) user base" or simply "user base.") There have been fears that the computer giant's existing installed base may decline after their newest operating system is implemented.
install(ed) user base
business jargon The number units of a particular product or service that are currently in use, especially software or an Internet or computing platform. (Also referred to as "install(ed) base" or "user base.") There have been fears that the computer giant's existing installed user base may decline after their newest operating system is implemented.