中文 – 简体
a dead end
a means to an end
all good things come to an end
all good things must (come to an) end
All good things must end
all the marbles
All's well that ends well
an end in itself
arse end of nowhere
ass end of nowhere
at (one's) wit's end
at a dead end
at an end
at loose ends
at one's wit's end
at the end of (one's) fingertips
at the end of (one's) tether
at the end of nowhere
at the end of rope
at the end of the day
at the end of the line
at the receiving end
at wit's end
at wits' end
be at (one's) wit's end
be at a loose end
be at the end of (one's) rope
be at the end of tether
be at the receiving end
be at wits' end
be on the wrong end of
be on the wrong end of (something)
be the end of (one)
be the end of one
be the end of the line
be the end of the world
be the living end
be thrown in the deep end
be-all and end-all
be-all and end-all, the
beginning of the end
beginning of the end, the
bitter end
bring to a close
bring to a dead end
burn the candle at both ends
business end
business end of
business end of something
by the end of the day
cannot see any further than the end of one’s nose
cannot see further than the end of one’s nose
can't see beyond the end of nose
can't see beyond the end of one's nose
can't see farther than the end of (one's) nose
can't see past the end of (one's) nose
come out the little end of the horn
come to a bad end
come to a close
come to a dead end
come to a sticky end
come to an end
come to an untimely end
days on end
dead end
dead-end kid
end (something) on a high note
end game
end in
end in itself
end in view
end it
end it all
end justifies the means, the
end of
end of one's rope, at the
end of play
End of Story
end of the ball game
end of the line
end of the world
end run
end to end
end up
end up at
end up doing
end up in the knacker's yard
end up to become
end up with
end with
ends of the earth, the
follow to the ends of the earth
for days on end
for hours on end
get (one's) end away
get end away
get hold of the right end of the stick
get hold of the wrong end of the stick
get on the end of (something)
get the short end
get the short end of the stick
get the wrong end of the stick
go off the deep end
go to the ends of the earth
hind end
hold end of the bargain up
hold end up
hold one's end up
hold up (one's) end (of the bargain)
in at the deep end
in the end
in the poorhouse
It'll end in tears
jump in the deep end
jump off the deep end
keep (up) (one's) end of the bargain
keep end up
know which end is up
light at the end of the tunnel
live up to end of the bargain
living end
living end, the
loose ends
make an end of (something)
make ends meet
make hair stand on end
make one's hair stand on end
means to an end
meet death
never hear the end of
never hear the end of it
no end
no end in sight
no end of
no end of something
not know which end is up
not the end of the world
odds and ends
off the deep end
on (one's) beam-ends
on end
on the beam-ends
on the receiving end
play both ends
play both ends against the middle
play each end against the other
play one end against the other
pointy end
put a stop to
put an end
put an end to
quote, unquote
rear end
see no further than the end of nose
see no further than the end of one’s nose
shitty end of the stick
short end of the stick
short end of the stick, the
short on one end
smoke both ends of the cigar
some loose ends
tail end
the be-all and end-all
the beginning of the end
the business end
the business end of
the end
The end justifies the means
the end of (one's) rope
the end of (one's) tether
the end of the ball game
the end of the line
the end of the road
the end of the world as we know it
the fag-end of
the hind end of creation
the sharp end
the short end of the stick
the tail end of
the thin end of the wedge
throw in at the deep end
tie up (some/a few) loose ends
till/until the bitter end
to that end
to the bitter end
to the end of (one's) days
to the ends of the earth
to the ends of the world
to this end
wit's end
world without end
wrong end of the stick, the
Common Names:
Southern African, Chewa
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