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(Boy,) is my face red!
a kick in the face
a long face
a slap in the face
a volte-face
all over (one's) face
all over face
an about-face
arse about face
at face value
at face value, take
at the chalkface
at the coalface
Bag it!
Bag your face!
bald-faced liar
bald-faced lie
barefaced liar
barefaced lie
be as plain as the nose on (one's) face
be as plain as the nose on your face
be in (one's) face
be in face
be in your face
be just a pretty face
be just another pretty face
be laughing on the other side of face
be not just another pretty face
be out of (one's) face
be staring in the face
be taken at face value
be written all over face
bitchy resting face
blank look on (one's) face
blow up
blow up in (one's) face
blow up in face
blue in the face
bold-faced liar
bold-faced lie
brave face, put on a
butter face
can't see hand in front of face
chew face
come face to face with
cut nose off to spite face
cut off nose to spite face
cut off one's nose to spite one's face
disappear off the face of the earth
do an about-face
don't cut off your nose to spite your face
duck face
eat face
egg on (one's) face
egg on face
egg on one's face, have
egg on your face
face (that) would stop a clock
face away
face card
face doesn't fit
face down
face facts
face forward
face fungus
face head-on
face into
face is a picture
face it
face man
face off
face on
face only a mother could love
face out
face the consequences
face the music
face time
face to face
face to face with
face up
face up to
face value
face with
fall flat on face
fall on face
fall on one's face
feed face
feed one’s face
feed one's face
fill face
fill one’s face
fling up in face
fly in the face of
fly into the face of danger
frog face
game face
get face
get in (someone's) face
get in someone’s face
get out of face
get out of my face
Get out of my face!
get out of one's face
give (someone) face
give a red face
have a face like a wet weekend
have a face like thunder
have egg on face
have egg on one’s face
hide face in shame
hide one's face
I'd rather face a firing squad than do
in face
in someone’s face
in someone's face
in the face
in the face of
in your face
in your face!
Is my face red!
It's written all over face
just another pretty face
keep a straight face
laugh in face
laugh on the other side of (one's) face
laugh out of the other side of face and laugh out of the other ...
laugh out of the other side of one's mouth
long face
look in the face
look someone in the face
lose face
loss of face
mace someone’s face
make a face
make faces
mess face up
mess someone’s face up
Monday's child is fair of face
not just a pretty face
not show face
off (one's) face
off the face of the earth
on the face of it
on the face of the earth
one hand washes the other (and both wash the face)
out of (one's) face
pizza face
plain as day
poker face
powder nose
powder one’s face
powder one’s nose
pull a face (at someone)
pull faces (at someone)
put a brave face on
put a good face on
put a smile on face
put a smile on someone’s face
put face on
put on a brave face
put one's face on
rack face
red in the face
red in the face, be
red-face test
resting bitch face
save face
say to face
screw up face
set face against
set in a type face
set one's face against
shoot off (one's) face
show face
show one's face
Shut face!
shut the door in (someone's) face
Shut your cake hole!
Shut your face!
slam the door in face
slap in the face
smack in the face
smash face in
soak face
soak one’s face
stand there with bare face hanging out
stand there with one’s bare face hanging out
stare in the face
straight face
stuff face
stuff one’s face
suck face
take at face value
talk someone's arm off
talk to the hand
talk until one is blue in the face
tell one to face
throw back in face
throw in face
throw in someone's face
till (one) (is) blue in the face
to face
to one's face
turd face
turn (one's) face to the wall
until are blue in the face
what’s his face
what's his face
wipe off the face of the earth
wipe off the map
wipe the smile off face
with egg on (one's) face
wouldn't know if it hit in the face
written all over (one's) face
zit face
Common Names:
Biblical Hebrew, Hebrew
Greek Mythology
Indian, Telugu, Bengali
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