中文 – 简体
a closed mouth gathers no feet
a load off feet
at feet
at someone's feet, be
at the feet of
back on (one's) feet
back on feet
balls of (the/one's) feet
balls of feet
be carried out feet first
be dead on feet
be no mean feat
be out on (one's) feet
be run off feet
be rushed off (one's) feet
be six feet under
be swept off (one's) feet
be under feet
beat feet
both feet on the ground
both feet on the ground, with
bring to feet
carry (someone) off their feet
cold as a welldigger's ass
cold feet
cold feet, get
Come in and sit a spell
come to feet
cover (one's) feet
crow's feet
cut the ground from under / feet
dead on feet
dead on one's feet
dive in with both feet
don't let the grass grow under one's feet
drag feet
drag one's feet
fall on one's feet
feet first
feet of clay
feet on the ground
find (one's) feet
find feet
find oneself
get a load off one’s feet
get cold feet
get feet under the table
get feet wet
get on feet
get one's feet on the ground
get one's feet wet
get some weight off feet
get the lead out
get to feet
get to one's feet
have (one's) feet on the ground
have feet of clay
have feet on the ground
have itchy feet
have the ball at (one's) feet
have the world at feet
have two left feet
hold feet to the fire
hold someone's feet to the fire
in stocking feet
itchy feet
jump in
jump in with both feet
keep feet on the ground
keep on its feet
keep out from under feet
kiss (one's) feet
knock off feet
land on
land on both feet
land on feet
lay (something) at the feet of (someone)
lay at feet
let grass grow under feet
let the grass grow under feet
load off (one's) feet
not let the grass grow under feet
off someone's feet
on feet
on its feet
on one's feet
out on (one's) feet
patter of tiny feet
pull the rug (out) from under (someone's) feet
pull the rug from under
put feet up
put one's feet up
regain feet
rise to feet
run (someone) off his or her feet
run feet off
rush (someone) off his/her feet
set one back on one's feet
set one on feet
shake the dust from one's feet
sit at (someone's) feet
sit at the feet of
six feet under
spring to feet
stand on one's own feet
stand on own feet
stand on own two feet
stand on two feet
stocking feet
sweep off feet
sweep one off feet
take a load off (one's feet)
take a load off one’s feet
take the load off
take the weight off (one's) feet
the black ox has trod upon (one's) foot
the cat would eat fish, but would not wet her feet
the patter of tiny feet
think on feet
think on one's feet
throw oneself at feet
two left feet
two left feet, have
under one's feet
vote with feet
vote with one’s feet
vote with one's feet
walk feet off
world at (one's) feet
Common Names:
English (Rare)
Greek Mythology (Latinized)
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