
go halves

To share the cost of something equally between two people. We each had about the same amount to eat and drink, so let's go halves on the bill. I'm pretty broke, but I'll go halves with you on a bottle of wine.
See also: halves

fifty-fifty chance

An equal chance of one of two results occurring. Refers to a 50% probability. When I flip this coin, there is a fifty-fifty chance that it will land on heads.
See also: chance

divide something fifty-fifty

 and split something fifty-fifty
to divide something into two equal parts. (The fifty means 50 percent.) Tommy and Billy divided the candy fifty-fifty. The robbers split the money fifty-fifty.
See also: divide


even or equal. (See also go fifty-fifty (on something).) The chances of success are about fifty-fifty. Even at fifty-fifty, it's probably worth it, you know.

go fifty-fifty

(on something) to divide the cost of something in half with someone. Todd and Jean decided to go fifty-fifty on dinner. The two brothers went fifty-fifty on a replacement for the broken lamp.

a fifty-fifty chance

if there is a fifty-fifty chance of something happening, it is equally likely to happen or not to happen (usually + of + doing sth) I'd say he's got a fifty-fifty chance of winning the race.
See also: chance


if something is divided fifty-fifty, it is divided equally between two people We decided to split the money fifty-fifty. Let's go fifty-fifty on the expenses for our trip.


see under under go halves.

go halves

Also, go fifty-fifty. Share equally. For example, Ann suggested that they go halves on the rent, or The brothers are going fifty-fifty in their new business. The first term dates from the late 1600s, the variant from the early 1900s.
See also: halves

Common Names:

Chikumbutso-Southern African, Chewa
EsmÉEes-MAY (Dutch)English, Dutch
Esthiru-Old Church Slavic