

1. n. a confidence trick or deception. The whole business sounds like a bit of flimflam to me.
2. n. nonsense; deception. Beware of the flimflam they will try to pull on you.
3. tv. & in. to cheat or deceive (someone). Don’t try to flimflam me. I wasn’t born yesterday, you know.

flimflam artist

n. someone who practices confidence tricks or deceptions on someone else. I don’t trust that flimflam artist at all.
See also: artist, flimflam

flimflam artist

A swindler. Flimflam artist indulged in confidence games in which the victim is persuaded to buy worthless property. These crooks go after bigger game than street hustlers, card sharps, or bait and switchers do because of the time and preparation that their scams require. “Flimflam” has been traced back to a Scandinavian word, although folk etymology has come up with a connection to an early 20th-century New York City law firm of dubious reputation, Flam & Flam.
See also: artist, flimflam

Common Names:

HeikeHIE-kə (Low German, Dutch)Low German, Frisian, Dutch
Gu&Eth;Mundr-Ancient Scandinavian
AnÍBal-Spanish, Portuguese