open the floodgates

open the floodgates

to make it possible for something to happen The court's decision could open the floodgates for large numbers of other cases involving war crimes.
Usage notes: usually used to describe activities that had been difficult or illegal but which are now easier or allowed and expected to be done by many
Etymology: based on the literal meaning of open the floodgates (to allow water that had been held back to flow freely)
See also: open

open the floodgates

if an action or a decision opens the floodgates, it allows something to happen a lot or allows many people to do something that was not previously allowed (often + to ) If they win their case it could open the floodgates to others with similar compensation claims.
See also: open

Common Names:

Zhelimir-Medieval Slavic (Hypothetical)
Cynbel-Ancient Celtic
JunoJOO-no (English)Roman Mythology