
Forgive and forget.

Prov. You should not only forgive people for hurting you, you should also forget that they ever hurt you. When my sister lost my favorite book, I was angry at her for weeks, but my mother finally convinced me to forgive and forget. Jane: Are you going to invite Sam to your party? Sue: No way. Last year he laughed at my new skirt. Jane: Come on, Sue, forgive and forget.
See also: and, forget, forgive

forgive someone for something

to pardon someone for something. Please forgive me for being late. He never forgave himself for harming her.
See also: forgive

forgive and forget

to accept and not think about what someone has done to you If they can admit they were wrong, then they can surely forgive and forget.
See also: and, forget, forgive

forgive and forget

Both pardon and hold no resentment concerning a past event. For example, After Meg and Mary decided to forgive and forget their differences, they became good friends . This phrase dates from the 1300s and was a proverb by the mid-1500s. For a synonym, see let bygones be bygones.
See also: and, forget, forgive

Common Names:

Eir-Norse Mythology, Icelandic, Norwegian
Gisselleji-ZELEnglish (Modern)
Merit (2)-Swedish
Elric-Medieval English
TomÁSto-MAHS (Spanish), too-MASH (Portuguese)Spanish, Portuguese, Irish
SÁRaSAH:-rah (Czech)Hungarian, Czech, Slovak