

1. n. a male with a small penis. (Rude and derogatory.) Tell the little bug-fucker he doesn’t get a discount, no matter what he’s got!
2. n. a small penis. (Usually objectionable.) Well, a bug-fucker is better than no fucker at all.
3. n. an insignificant and worthless male. (Rude and derogatory.) Listen to me, you stupid bug-fucker! Get your things and get outa here!


1. n. a male who copulates frequently or well. (Taboo. Usually objectionable.) Tod thinks he’s a big fucker. I think he’s a big faker.
2. n. any male; a buddy. (Low. Taboo. Usually objectionable.) Tell that goddamn fucker to get the hell out of here!
3. n. the penis; the erect penis. (Taboo. Usually objectionable.) He held his hands over his little fucker and ran for the bedroom.
4. n. a female who is known to agree to copulate readily. (Taboo. Usually objectionable.) I’m out to find me a real first-class fucker tonight.

Common Names:

Malle-Medieval English
Hanne (2)HAH-nə (German), HAHN-ne (Swedish, Norwegian), HAN-ne (Danish)German, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish