
fudge packer

Derogatory slang for a homosexual man.
See also: fudge

fudge the issue

To dodge or avoid doing something. The phrase often has a connotation of deceit. The finance department is fudging the issue for now, but once news reaches the CEO, they will have to admit whatever they did to make these figures so impressive. I know you didn't do any of the chores I assigned you, and you can't fudge the issue any longer!
See also: fudge, issue

pack fudge

vulgar slang To have anal sex.
See also: fudge, pack

fudge factor

Fig. a margin of error. I never use a fudge factor. I measure correctly, and I cut the material exactly the way I measured it. I built in a fudge factor of three percent.
See also: factor, fudge


1. in. to cheat; to deceive (someone). (Disguise of fuck.) Bill, you’re fudging. Wait till the starting gun fires.
2. n. nonsense; deception. I’ve heard enough of your fudge. Let’s get honest, okay?

fudge factor

n. a margin of error. I never use a fudge factor. I measure correctly, and I cut the material exactly the way I measured it.
See also: factor, fudge

Common Names:

Yekonyah-Biblical Hebrew
Hypatia-Ancient Greek