
be higher than a kite

1. To be very intoxicated by alcohol or (especially) drugs. I tried tutoring him in math, but he was always higher than a kite when I came by.
2. To be elated or euphorically happy. I was higher than a kite when I found out I got into Stanford.
See also: higher, kite

higher than a kite

1. Very intoxicated by alcohol or (especially) drugs. I tried tutoring him in math, but he was always higher than a kite when I came by.
2. Elated; euphorically happy. I was higher than a kite when I found out I got into my first choice school.
See also: higher, kite

higher than Gilderoy's kite

Extremely high; so high that it can hardly be seen. "Gilderoy" was the nickname of notorious 17th-century highwayman Patrick MacGregor, who was hanged at a time when the height of the gallows corresponded to the severity of a criminal's misdeeds. Thus, MacGregor was hanged higher than his accomplices—like a kite in the sky. Why did you put the dishes on a shelf higher than Gilderoy's kite? You know I can't reach anything up there! A: "Can you see the plane?" B: "It's higher than Gilderoy's kite! All I see is a tiny speck!"
See also: higher, kite

be as high as a kite

1. slang To be very intoxicated with drugs or alcohol. Do you remember last night at all? You were as high as a kite!
2. To be very happy. I was as high as a kite when I found out that I'd gotten an A on my hardest exam.
See also: high, kite

Go chase yourself!

 and Go climb a tree!; Go fly a kite!; Go jump in the lake!
Inf. Go away and stop bothering me! Bob: Get out of here. Bill! You're driving mecrazy! Go chase yourself'. Bill: What did I do to you? Bob: You're just in the way. Bill: Dad, can I have ten bucks? Father: Go climb a tree! Fred: Stop pestering me, John. Go jump in the lake! John: What did I do? Bob: Well, Bill, don't you owe me some money? Bill: Go fly a kite!
See also: chase

*high as a kite

 and *high as the sky 
1. Lit. very high. (*Also: as ~.) The tree grew as high as a kite. Our pet bird got outside and flew up high as the sky.
2. Fig. drunk or drugged. (*Also: as ~.) Bill drank beer until he got as high as a kite. The thieves were high as the sky on drugs.
See also: high, kite

fly a kite

1. to suggest a possible explanation for something I'm just flying a kite, but I suspect he was in love with her.
2. to make a suggestion in order to see what other people think about your idea I'm just flying a kite, really, but do you think there would be any demand for a course on European art?
See also: fly, kite

Go fly a kite!

  (mainly American informal)
something that you say in order to tell someone who is annoying you to go away Go fly a kite! It's just not funny any more.
See also: fly

be as high as a kite

1. (informal) to behave in a silly and excited way because you have taken drugs or drunk a lot of alcohol I tried to talk to her, but she was as high as a kite.
2. (informal) to feel very happy and excited Winning the prize gave my self-confidence a tremendous boost; I felt as high as a kite for several days afterwards.
See also: high, kite


  (British & Australian)
the act of telling people about an idea or plan so that you can find out what they think about it Mr Baker's hint about US intervention in the war was undoubtedly an exercise in kite-flying.
See fly a kite, Go fly a kite!

go fly a kite

Also, go chase yourself or climb a tree or jump in the lake or sit on a tack or soak your head . Go away and stop bothering me, as in Quit it, go fly a kite, or Go jump in the lake. All of these somewhat impolite colloquial imperatives date from the first half of the 1900s and use go as described under go and.
See also: fly, kite

high as a kite

Intoxicated, as by alcohol, as in After three beers she's high as a kite. The adjective high has been used in the sense of "drunk" since the early 1600s; the addition of kite dates from the early 1900s. The phrase is now used of disorientation due to any drug.
See also: high, kite

fly kites

tv. to distribute or pass bad checks. (see also kite.) Marty was picked up for flying kites in three different cities.
See also: fly, kite

Go chase yourself!

and Go chase your tail! and Go climb a tree! and Go fly a kite! and Go fry an egg! and Go jump in the lake! and Go soak your head! and Go soak yourself!
exclam. Beat it!; Go away! Oh, go chase yourself! Go soak your head! You’re a pain in the neck.
See also: chase

Go fly a kite!

See also: fly


1. n. a drug user who is always high. (Drugs.) The guy’s a kite. He won’t make any sense no matter what you ask him.
2. tv. to write worthless checks; to raise the amount on a check. (see also fly kites.) Chuck made a fortune kiting checks.
3. n. a worthless check. (Underworld.) He finally wrote one kite too many, and they nabbed him.


mod. alcohol intoxicated. (From high as a kite.) Britney was too kited to see her hand in front of her.
See also: kite

go fly a kite

Get lost! Kite flying is an activity that is done far less now than in previous centuries. Accordingly, “go fly a kite!” is heard far less than “get lost!” “take a hike!” and “get your ass out of here!” (or something stronger).
See also: fly, kite

Common Names:

Teresete-RES (Swedish)Basque, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish
KrisKRIS (English)English, Danish
EmblaEM-blah (Icelandic, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish)Norse Mythology, Icelandic, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish