
lavish something (up)on someone

to give something freely to someone; to squander something on someone. (Upon is formal and less commonly used than on.) The manager lavished all sorts of favors upon the new employee. Susan lavished compliments on the cook.
See also: lavish, on

lavish on

To give or bestow something in abundance to someone or something: The critics lavished praise on the new movie. The pundits lavished scorn on the new mayor.
See also: lavish, on

lavish with

To enhance or praise something or someone with something: The teacher lavished the best students with praise. The tables were lavished with decorations.
See also: lavish

Common Names:

DysonDIE-sənEnglish (Rare)
Elissa (1)-Roman Mythology
Herry-Medieval English
Jolandayo-LAHN-dah (Dutch, Italian)Dutch, Slovene, Croatian, Italian
Montanamahn-TAN-əEnglish (Modern)