

A dietary strategy involving consuming large amounts of carbohydrate-rich food, such as pasta, rice, potatoes, etc., as a means of increasing stored energy in preparation for a major athletic event (e.g., a marathon). An abbreviated form of the term "carbohydrate loading." While some have questioned whether it really helps one's performance, I still swear that carb-loading gives me an extra edge in big races.


A dietary strategy involving consuming large amounts of carbohydrate-rich food(s), such as pasta, rice, potatoes, etc., as a means of increasing stored energy in preparation for a major athletic event (e.g., a marathon). An abbreviated form of the term "carbohydrate loading." While some have questioned whether it really helps one's performance, I still swear that carbo-loading gives me an extra edge in big races.

front load

To organize something (often a contract or itinerary) so that it is most productive at the start and tapers off during the duration. My agent front loaded my contract so that I would make the most money right now, in the prime of my career. Why did you front load our trip so much? I'm exhausted after three days of touring the city!
See also: front, load

Common Names:

AindrÉAsAHN-dray-as Irish
Shabnam-Persian, Urdu