

n. a generic name for a man. (Also a term of address.) Look, Mac, you want to make some big money?


n. a pimp. (From mackerel, a form of which once had the meaning “broker.”) This gal’s mack was slapping her silly when the police came.

mack daddy

n. a man who is popular with the ladies. Sam is a real mack daddy. Sure knows how to treat the ladies.
See also: daddy, mack

mack on someone

1. in. to make a sexual proposition to someone. You try to mack on anything that wears a skirt!
2. in. to make out with someone. Sam is in the back room macking on Mary.
See also: mack, on

Common Names:

Alda (2)AHL-dahLimburgish
Fredericafrə-də-REE-kə (Portuguese), fred-REE-ka (English), fred-ə-REE-kə (English)Portuguese, English
WodanVO-dahn (German)Germanic Mythology
Noor (1)NOOR (Arabic)Arabic, Urdu