中文 – 简体
a marriage made in heaven
a match made in heaven
a match made in hell
a promise made is a promise kept
a self-made man
be made for
be made of sterner stuff
be tailor-made
conspicuous by absence
cut from the same cloth
Fingers were made before forks
Have I made myself clear?
have it made
have it made in the shade
have made
I'm not made of money!
made for
made for each other
made from whole cloth
made in China
made in the shade
made of money
made of sterner stuff
made out of whole cloth
made to measure
made to order
make (one) hot under the collar
make (one) pay through the nose
make (one) see stars
make (one) turn over in (one's) grave
make (one's) beard
make (one's) bones
make (one's) own way
make (oneself or something) ready (for someone or something)
make (someone's) ears burn
make (someone's) hackles rise
make (someone's) jaw drop
make (someone's) teeth itch
make (something) up as (one) goes (along)
make (the) baby Jesus cry
make a bed
make a better door than a window
make a clean break (from/with someone or something)
make a clean breast
make a decision
make a false step
make a getaway
make a hole in the water
make a leg
make a long arm for (something)
make a mark
make a mint
make a pile
make a run for (someone or something)
make a wide stride
make advances at (someone)
make an end of (something)
make an honest buck
make as though
make buckle and tongue meet
make chalk of one and cheese of the other
make fair weather
make fast work of (someone or something)
make fish of one and flesh of another
make game of (someone or something)
make ground
make ground against (something)
make ground on (someone or something)
make heads roll
make heavy going of (something)
make horns at
make it rain
make like
make like a banana and split
make matters worse
make news
make plain
make public
make quick work of (someone or something)
make sail
make sport of (someone or something)
make the best of a bad bargain
make the cut
make the welkin ring
make the world go round
marriage made in heaven
Marriages are made in heaven
match made in heaven
not made of money
out of whole cloth
Promises are like piecrust, made to be broken
rules are made to be broken
self-made man
show (someone) what (one's) made of
show what are made of
sure as God made little green apples
tailor-made for
They broke the mould when they made
to barely make it
to barely make it on time
who died and made you boss
You made my day
You've made your bed
Common Names:
German, Germanic Mythology
Arabic, Urdu
Persian, Persian Mythology
Ancient Roman
Late Roman
Biblical, Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew
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