
merge in (to something)

to join into something. The stream merged into the main channel of the river.
See also: merge

merge someone or something into something

 and merge someone or something in
to route someone or something into something else. They merged the marchers into the parade and no one ever knew they were late. We merged in the latecomers to the parade at an intersection.
See also: merge

merge (something) with (something else)

to join two things together. The management merged the sales division with the marketing division. We merged the accounting department with the auditing department.
See also: merge

merge with someone or something

to join with someone or something. Ted merged with Fred and they created a very profitable partnership. Our company merged with a larger one, and we all kept our jobs. This stream merges with a larger stream about two miles to the west.
See also: merge

Common Names:

Pate-Medieval English
Lakishalə-KISH-əAfrican American
CaitlynKAYT-linEnglish (Modern)