
carry the message to Garcia

To show initiative in undertaking important or requisite tasks in the face of difficulties and/or without requiring specific instructions on how to do so. It refers to the essay "Message to Garcia," published in 1899 by Elbert Hubbard, in which a lieutenant named Andrew Rowan undertakes establishing communication with Cuban rebel leader Calixto García to create an alliance in case of war with Spain. One should always aspire to be the type of employee who will carry the message to Garcia, for it says more about you than merely doing what you're told.
See also: carry, Garcia, message

deliver the message to Garcia

To show initiative in undertaking important or requisite tasks in the face of difficulties and/or without requiring specific instructions on how to do so. It refers to the essay "Message to Garcia," published in 1899 by Elbert Hubbard, in which a lieutenant named Andrew Rowan undertakes establishing communication with Cuban rebel leader Calixto García to create an alliance in case of war with Spain. One should always aspire to be the type of employee who will deliver the message to Garcia, for it says more about you than merely doing what you're told.
See also: deliver, Garcia, message

take a message to Garcia

To show initiative in undertaking important or requisite tasks in the face of difficulties and/or without requiring specific instructions on how to do so. It refers to the essay "Message to Garcia," published in 1899 by Elbert Hubbard, in which a lieutenant named Andrew Rowan undertakes establishing communication with Cuban rebel leader Calixto García to create an alliance in case of war with Spain. One should always aspire to be the type of employee who will take a message to Garcia, for it says more about you than merely doing what you're told.
See also: Garcia, message, take

mixed message

A signal, message, or communication that has, or is interpreted as having, multiple, ambiguous, or contradictory meanings. (Often plural.) I keep getting these mixed messages from my ex-girlfriend. I can't tell if she just wants to be friends, or if she's interested in getting back together. I just think it sends something of a mixed message to be advertising a new production assistant position right after we went through a round of layoffs.
See also: message, mixed

get (a) mixed message(s)

To receive a signal, message, or communication that has, or seems to have, multiple, ambiguous, or contradictory meanings. I keep getting these mixed messages from my ex-girlfriend. I can't tell if she just wants to be friends, or if she's interested in getting back together. I've just been getting a mixed message from my boss lately about what he thinks of my performance so far.
See also: get, mixed

send (a) mixed message(s)

To communicate something that has, or seems to have, multiple, ambiguous, or contradictory meanings. My ex-girlfriend has accused me of sending mixed messages about our relationship, as if I'm hinting that I want to get back together with her. I just think it sends something of a mixed message to be advertising a new production assistant position right after we went through a round of layoffs.
See also: mixed, send

direct message

A form of private communication on social media sites or Internet forums. It is most commonly used as a verb. Direct message me if you have any questions. If you don't want everyone to see it, send a direct message instead of posting it.
See also: direct, message

private message

A way to communicate only with a select person or people on social media sites or Internet forums. It is most commonly used as a verb. Private message me if you have any questions. If you don't want everyone to see it, send a private message instead of posting it.
See also: message, private

Could I leave a message?

 and Can I leave a message?
Can I request that a message be written down for a person who is not available to come to the telephone. Bill: Can I talk to Fred? Mary: He's not here. Bill: Could I leave a message? Mary: Sure, I can leave a message for him.
See also: could, leave

Could I take a message?

 and Can I take a message?; May I take a message?
the phrase used on the telephone to offer to take a message and give it to the person the caller is seeking. Bill: Can I talk to Fred? Mary: He's not here. Could I take a message for him?
See also: could, take

Get the message?

 and Get the picture?
Inf. Do you understand?; Are you able to figure out what is meant? (See also (Do you) get my drift?) Things are tough around here, and we need everyone's cooperation. Get the picture? We don't need lazy people around here. Get the message?
See also: get

get the message

to understand what someone is trying to tell you, although they do not say it directly Next time he calls, tell him you're busy for the next three months - he'll get the message.
See also: get, message

send a message

to do something that is likely to influence someone's attitudes or behavior send a signal The arrests of several well-known people in the area sends a message that no one is immune from the law, not even the famous. The fact that nothing is done to help the homeless sends a message that we don't care.
Usage notes: said about actions whether they are intentional or not
See also: message, send

get the message

to understand what someone is trying to tell you even if they are not expressing themselves directly Next time he calls, tell him you're busy for the next three months - he'll soon get the message. Okay, I get the message - you want to be alone.
See also: get, message

get the message

Also, get the picture. Understand or infer the real import or substance of something. For example, He gestured to the waiter, who got the message and brought the bill, or Kate got the picture and decided to keep her mouth shut about the error. [Mid-1900s] Also see get it.
See also: get, message

Get the message?

and Get the picture?
interrog. Do you understand?; Are you able to figure out what is meant? How many times do I have to tell you? Do you get the message? Things are tough around here, and we need everyone’s cooperation. Get the picture?
See also: get

off message

Deviating from a planned set of remarks or positions: The aides worried that the candidate would make a gaffe if he went off message.
See also: message, off

on message

Following a planned set of remarks or positions.
See also: message, on

Common Names:

Teresate-RE-sah (Spanish, Polish), te-RE-zah (Italian, German), TE-re-sah (Finnish), tə-REE-sə (English), tə-REE-zə (English)Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Finnish, Polish, German, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, English