
like a million bucks

Very well; exquisitely. "Bucks" here is an American slang term for dollars. (Usually used with the verbs "look," "feel," or, of an object, some variation of "function.") Primarily heard in US, South Africa. After a delicious meal, a hot shower, and a good night's sleep, I feel like a million bucks today! You look like a million bucks! Have you been working out lately? After we replaced the motor, we had Dad's old mustang running like a million bucks.
See also: buck, like, million

look like a million bucks

To look exceptionally attractive or in very robust health. Wow, George looks like a million bucks in that new suit! You see? Fluids and rest were all you needed to beat that cold. You're already looking like a million bucks compared to yesterday!
See also: buck, like, look, million

feel like a million bucks

To feel exceptionally attractive or in very robust health. Wow, I feel like a million bucks in this new suit! I guess fluids and rest were all I needed to beat that cold. I'm already feeling like a million bucks compared to yesterday!
See also: buck, feel, like, million

feel like a million dollars

To feel exceptionally attractive or in very robust health. Wow, I feel like a million dollars in this new suit! I guess fluids and rest were all I needed to beat that cold. I'm already feeling like a million dollars compared to yesterday!
See also: dollar, feel, like, million

not in a million years

Not at any point; under absolutely no circumstances. Not in a million years did I think that I would actually win the lottery! John: "Do you think Samantha will agree to go on a date with Jake?" Tony: "Not in a million years!"
See also: million, not, year

never in a million years

Not at any point; under absolutely no circumstances. Never in a million years did I think that I would actually win the lottery! John: "Do you think Samantha will agree to go on a date with Jake?" Tony: "Never in a million years!"
See also: million, never, year

you look like a million

You look great! A shortening of the more common phrase "you look like a million bucks." Look at you in that fancy cocktail dress! You look like a million!
See also: like, look, million

be one in a million

To be regarded as very rare and excellent or spectacular. Your new boyfriend is one in a million. I can't believe he spent the weekend with your entire family and actually enjoyed himself. This opportunity is one in a million—you have to take it!
See also: million, one

feel like a million (dollars)

Fig. to feel well and healthy, both physically and mentally. A quick swim in the morning makes me feel like a million dollars. What a beautiful day! It makes you feel like a million.
See also: feel, like, million

like a million (dollars)

Fig. very good or well. (Usually with verbs such as feel, look, run, etc.) This old buggy runs like a million dollars. Man, I feel like a million. Your new hairdo looks like a million dollars.
See also: like, million

*million miles away

Fig. lost in thought; [of someone] daydreaming and not paying attention. (Only one's mind is far away. *Typically: be ~; look to be ~; seem ~.) He was a million miles away during the entire lecture. Look at her. She is a million miles away, not paying any attention to what she is doing.
See also: away, mile, million

one in a thousand

 and one in a hundred; one in a million
Fig. nearly unique; one of a very few. He's a great guy. He's one in million. Mary's one in a hundredsuch a hard worker.
See also: one, thousand

Thanks a million.

Inf. Thank you a lot. Bill: Oh, thanks a million. You were very helpful. Bob: Just glad I could help. John: Here's your book. Jane: Thanks a million. Sorry I needed it back in such a rush.
See also: million, thanks

like a million dollars

extremely good All I need is a shower and a good night's sleep and I'll feel like a million dollars. She turned around, still smiling, and looking like a million dollars.
See also: dollar, like, million

thanks a million

thank you very much It was a really good piece of advice – thanks a million!
See also: million, thanks

look/feel (like) a million dollars

  (British, American & Australian) also look/feel (like) a million bucks (American)
to look or feel extremely attractive You look like a million dollars in that dress!
See Thanks a million!, be one in a million
See also: dollar, look, million

be one in a million

if you say that someone is one in a million, you mean that they are very special because they have such good qualities She's the sweetest, most generous person I know - she's one in a million.
See also: million, one

the sixty-four-thousand-dollar question

  (informal) also the million-dollar question (informal)
an important or difficult question which people do not know the answer to So will she marry him or not? - that's the sixty-four-thousand-dollar question.
See beg the question, call into question, pop the question
See also: question

Thanks a million!

something that you say to thank someone for something they have done for you
Usage notes: This phrase is often used humorously or angrily to mean the opposite.
It was a really good piece of advice - thanks a million. So you didn't bother to call me and tell me you'd be late? Thanks a million!
See also: thanks

feel like oneself

1. Also, feel oneself. Sense oneself as being in a normal state of health or spirits. For example, I'm finally over the flu and feel like myself again, or He doesn't know what's wrong but he doesn't feel himself. The antonym is not feel oneself, that is, "feel unwell." [Mid-1800s] Also see feel up to.
2. feel like new. Also, feel like a new person. Have a renewed sense of well-being, especially after something has happened, such as recovery from illness or receiving good news. For example, The surgery went very well, and he now feels like new, or I am so relieved at the news, I feel like a new person.
3. feel like a million. Be in the best of health or good spirits. For example, After winning that prize I feel like a million. The million alludes to a million dollars. Also see look like a million dollars; on top of the world.
See also: feel, like

look like a million dollars

Appear attractive or prosperous. For example, The painter did a good job-the house looks like a million dollars. The related feel like a million dollars means "feel healthy," as in Helen came back from her winter vacation feeling like a million dollars. [c. 1920]
See also: dollar, like, look, million

one in a million

Also, one in a thousand or billion . Extraordinary, rare, as in She's the kindest soul-she's one in a million, or This ring is one in a thousand. All these terms are hyperbolic.
See also: million, one

like a million (dollars)

mod. very good or well. (Usually with feel.) This old buggy runs like a million dollars.
See also: dollar, like, million

like a million

See also: like, million

Common Names:

Ercanbald-Ancient Germanic
LyraLIE-rə (English), LEE-rə (English)Astronomy