
Miss Right

The perfect or most suitable woman to be in a relationship with or to marry. If you're waiting for Miss Right to just appear in your life, you're never going to find someone you'll be happy with. You have to get out there and give people a chance! After my last relationship ended, I decided to stop looking for Ms. Right and focus on other priorities in my life.
See also: miss, right

Mrs. Grundy

One who strongly values traditional propriety. In the Thomas Morton play Speed the Plough, Mrs. Grundy is a character known for her zeal for proper conduct. You can't wear jeans to this dinner party! Your grandmother will be there, and she is basically Mrs. Grundy!

Mrs. Murphy

n. a bathroom. Whose turn is it at Mrs. Murphy’s?
See also: Murphy

Mrs. Astor's plush horse

Ostentatious. Mrs. William Astor, the leader of New York society at the end of the 19th century, was not one to spare any expense in clothing, furnishings, or other accoutrements of the Good Life (so much for the idea of quiet old money). Her appearance and her gala parties were so sumptuous and well-known that anyone who appeared dolled up beyond normal was ridiculed as “Astor's plush [or pet] horse,” as if the formidable Mrs. A had lavished her wealth on that person as she would on a favorite plaything.
See also: horse

Common Names:

CarsonKAHR-sənScottish, English
Pipin-Ancient Germanic