
everyone and their mum

A large number or a majority of people. Used hyperbolically. Primarily heard in UK. I don't really want to get an iPhone. Everyone and their mum has one these days.
See also: and, everyone, mum

everybody and his mum

Used hyperbolically to express a large number or a majority of people. Primarily heard in UK. I'm so jealous, everybody and his mum is going on a vacation this summer except for me.
See also: and, everybody, mum

everybody and their mum

Used hyperbolically to express a large number or a majority of people. Primarily heard in UK. I'm so jealous, everybody and their mum is going on a vacation this summer except for me.
See also: and, everybody, mum

everyone and his mum

Used hyperbolically to express a large number or a majority of people. Primarily heard in UK. I'm so jealous, everyone and his mum is going on a vacation this summer except for me.
See also: and, everyone, mum

keep mum

To remain silent; to not say anything (e.g., about a secret). Make sure you kids keep mum in there or you're both grounded! You have to keep mum about Dave's retirement party—we want it to be a surprise.
See also: keep, mum

Mum's the word.

Fig. a pledge not to reveal a secret or to tell about something or someone. "Mum's the word," said Jane to ease Mary's mind about her secret.
See also: word

mum's the word

do not tell anyone I don't want to spoil the surprise for Tim, so please tell everyone that mum's the word.
See also: word

Mum's the word.

something that you say which means something should be kept secret I think I'm pregnant, but mum's the word until I know for sure.
See also: word

mum's the word

Say nothing about this, it's a secret, as in Mum's the word on tonight's surprise party. This expression dates from about 1700, but mum, meaning "silence," is much older. In 2 Henry VI (1:2) Shakespeare wrote, "Seal up your lips, and give no words but mum."
See also: word

mum's the word

Say nothing of the secret you know: Mum's the word on the surprise party.
See also: word

Common Names:

MarkÉTa-Czech, Slovak