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(a) quarter of (a given hour in time)
(Holy) Mother of God
(one's) bag of tricks
(one's) heart of hearts
(one's) way out of a paper bag
(straight) out of central casting
(the) man/woman of the hour
(the) woman of the moment
15 minutes of fame
a (sudden) rush of blood (to the head)
a bag of bones
a baptism by fire
a battle of nerves
a battle of wills
a battle of wits
a beast of burden
a bed of roses
a bit of a stretch
a bit of all right
a bit of fluff
a bit of how's your father
a bit of rough
a bit out of it
a bite of the cherry
a bolt from the blue
a bone of contention
a breath of fresh air
a bunch of baloney
a bunch of malarkey
a bundle of joy
a can of worms
a capful of wind
a change of heart
a change of pace
a change of tack
a chunk of change
a clean bill of health
a cold piece of work
a committee is a group of men who keep minutes and waste hours
a devil of a time
a different ball of wax
a dose of (one's) own medicine
a dwarf standing on the shoulders of giants
a fact of life
a fat lot of good
a few bricks shy of a load
a few fries short of a Happy Meal
a few sandwiches short of a picnic
a figment of imagination
a figure of fun
a fine kettle of fish
a fine state of affairs
a fish out of water
a flight of fancy
a frame of mind
a free bit of advice
a game of musical chairs
a ghost of a chance
a grain of truth
a hair out of place
a head of steam
a heart of gold
a heart of stone
a heck of a
a heck of a lot of
a hell of a
a hell of a lot of
a hell of a mess
a hill of beans
a horse of another
a horse of another color
a horse of another different color
a house of cards
a jack of all trades
a Jill of all trades is a master of none
a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step
a kernel of truth
a kind of
a kind of (something)
a labor of love
a labour of love
a lash of scorpions
a lick with the rough side of the tongue
a life of its own
a little bit of bread and no cheese
a load of
a load of baloney
a load of bunk
a load of crap
a lot of baloney
a lot of bunk
a lot of malarkey
a lot of moola
a lot of pluck
a man of few words
a man of God
a man of his word
a man of letters
a man of many parts
a man of means
a man of my kidney
a man of straw
a man of the cloth
a man of the world
a man/woman of the people
a matter of
a matter of form
a matter of life and death
a matter of life or death
a matter of opinion
a matter of record
a matter of time
a meeting of minds
a meeting of the minds
a merchant of doom
a mess of
a mind of its own
a mind of own
a mine of information
a month of Sundays
a mother lode of
a mouth full of South
a new lease of life
a new lease on life
a number of
a pack of lies
a pearl of wisdom
a piece of cake
a piece of mind
a piece of the action
a piece of the pie
a piece of work
a pillar of strength
a port of call
a prophet of doom
a question of time
a ray of sunshine
a reign of terror
a rite of passage
a rule of thumb
a rush of blood
a sad state (of affairs)
a sad state of affairs
a safe pair of hands
a sandwich shy of a picnic
a shadow of (one's) former self
a shadow of former self
a sign of the times
a slice of life
a slice of the cake
a slip of the tongue
a soldier of fortune
a son of a bitch
a son of a gun
a sorry state (of affairs)
a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down
a sticky situation
a stroke of luck
a sword of Damocles hangs over (one's) head
a sword of Damocles hangs over head
a tall drink of water
a taste of (one's) own medicine
a taste of own medicine
A thing of beauty is a joy forever
a thing of the past
a tip of the hat
a train of thought
a turn of phrase
a turn of the screw
a walk of life
a war of nerves
a war of words
a waste of breath
a waste of energy
a way of life
a whale of a
a whale of a (good) time
a whale of a [bill etc.]
a whale of a [job etc.]
a wink of sleep
a woman of her word
a world of difference
abbreviated piece of nothing
above and beyond
above and beyond the call of duty
abreast of
absolve (one) of
absolve from
abuse of distress
abuse of privileges
accident of birth
accuse (one) of
accuse of
acknowledge (the) receipt of
acknowledge receipt of
acquit (one) of
acquit of
act of congress
act of faith
act of God
admit of
advise (one) of
advise of
afraid of (one's) own shadow
afraid of one's own shadow
afraid of own shadow
after the fashion of
after the style of
against the run of play
age before beauty
age of consent
ahead of
ahead of (one's/its) time
ahead of one's time
ahead of schedule
ahead of the curve
ahead of the game
ahead of the pack
ahead of time
ain't got a grain of sense
ain't got a lick of sense
air of pretension
all hours
all hours (of the day and night)
all kinds of
all manner of
all of
all of a dither
all of a size
all of a sudden
all of the above
all over creation
all over Hell and half of Georgia
all the best
all the tea in China
all walks of life
all y'all
all y'all's
allow of
along the lines of
along the lines of (something)
alongside of
Ambassador of Morocco
amount to a hill of beans
an act of faith
an act of God
an act of war
an article of faith
an attack of
an embarrassment of riches
angel dust
angle of attack
another coat of paint
another pair of eyes
another peep out of you
answer the call of nature
answer to the description (of)
answer to the description of
answer to the name (of)
any day
Any friend of
any friend of (someone's) (is a friend of mine)
any number of
anything of the kind
appear before
appear under the name (of)
appear under the name of
apple of
apple of discord
apple of eye
apple of my eye
apple of one's eye
apprise (one) of
apprise of
approve of
apropos of
area of influence
argue (one's) way out (of)
argue way out of
arguing for the sake of arguing
arise from
arrive (somewhere) (up)on the stroke of
arrive on the stroke of some time
arse end of nowhere
as a matter of course
as a matter of fact
as a result of (something)
as a token of (something)
as far as anyone knows
as far as is concerned
as if the sun shines out (someone's) backside
as of
ask (something) of
ask of
ass end of nowhere
assure (one) of
assure of
at a rate of knots
at all hours (of the day and night)
at the back of (one's) mind
at the back of beyond
at the back of mind
at the best of times
at the bottom of the food chain
at the bottom of the heap
at the bottom of the hour
at the bottom of the ladder
at the crack of dawn
at the drop of a hat
at the end of (one's) fingertips
at the end of (one's) tether
at the end of nowhere
at the end of rope
at the end of the day
at the end of the line
at the expense of
at the feet of
at the hand of
at the hands of
at the height of
at the instance of
at the mercy of
at the point of
at the rear of
at the summit of (one's) success
at the top of (one's) game
at the top of (one's) lungs
at the top of (one's) voice
at the top of (the/one's) agenda
at the top of game
at the top of lungs
at the top of one's lungs
at the top of the food chain
at the top of the hour
at the top of the ladder
at the top of the/ agenda
at the top of voice
at the zenith of
at this stage
at this stage (of the game)
at this stage of the game
attack is the best form of defense
avail (oneself) of
avail of
avail oneself of
avenue of escape
back of
back of (one's) hand
back of (the) beyond
back of beyond
back of one's hand
back of one's mind
back of the beyond
back of the black stump
back out
back out (of something)
back out of
back-of-the-envelope calculation
bag ass out of somewhere
bag of bones
bag of tricks
bag of wind
bail (one) out of jail
bail out of jail
balk at the idea (of something)
ball of fire
ballpark figure
balls of (the/one's) feet
balls of feet
Banbury story of a cock and a bull
bane of (one's) existence
baptism by fire
baptism of fire
barrage of criticism
barrel ass out of somewhere
barrel of fun
barrel of laughs
barrel of monkeys
barrel out (of)
batting on a sticky wicket
battle of the bulge
be (a/the) model of
be (all) of a piece
be (all) part of life's rich pageant
be (all) part of life's rich tapestry
be (as) easy as rolling off (of) a log
be (not) out of the woods
be (of) no use to man or beast
be (sitting) on top of the world
be [glad etc.] to see the back of
be a barrel of laughs
be a bed of nails
be a bundle of laughs
be a bundle of nerves
be a card-carrying member (of something)
be a chapter of accidents
be a crock of shit
be a different kettle of fish
be a figment of (one's/the) imagination
be a figment of imagination
be a fine figure of a (man or woman)
be a fine figure of a man
be a fully paid-up member of
be a game of two halves
be a matter of opinion
be a matter of record
be a model of
be a nasty piece of work
be a piece of cake
be a sign of the times
be a thing of the past
be a waste of space
be a whole other kettle of fish
be afraid of (one's) (own) shadow
be afraid of own shadow
be ahead of the game
be ahead of the pack
be along the lines of (something)
be another different kettle of fish
be another of life's great mysteries
be at the bottom of
be at the bottom of (something)
be at the end of (one's) rope
be at the end of tether
be at the mercy of
be at the mercy of (something)
be big of
be big of (one)
be cocksure of (oneself)
be comprised of
be cup of tea
be down on (one) like a ton of bricks
be down on like a ton of bricks
be for
be fresh from
be fresh out of
be full of
be full of (oneself)
be full of beans
be full of bull
be full of crap
be full of holes
be full of piss and vinegar
be full of the joys of spring
be glad to see the back of (someone)
be in (a bit of) a jam
be in a spot of bother
be in a sticky situation
be in a transport of delight
be in aid of
be in another world
be in the eye of the storm
be in the first flush of
be in the grip of
be in the Land of Nod
be in the land of the living
be in the lap of the gods
be in the swim (of things)
be in the thick of
be in the thick of it
be in the thick of things
be in the throes of
be in two minds
be knocked out of the box
be laughing on the other side of face
be like a fish out of water
be made of sterner stuff
be more fun than a barrel of monkeys
be much of a muchness
be no ball of fire
be no bed of roses
be no question of (doing) (something)
be not (one's) cup of tea
be not a bed of roses
be not having any (of it)
be not short of a penny (or two)
be nothing short of (something)
be nothing short of [astonishing etc.]
be of (one's) own making
be of a piece
be of like mind
be of no account
be of one mind
be of own making
be of service
be of sound mind
be of the essence
be of two minds
be of unsound mind
be off the blocks
be on the brink of
be on the crest of a wave
be on the edge of (something)
be on the horns of a dilemma
be on the lines of (something)
be on the side of the angels
be on the threshold of
be on the threshold of (something)
be on the tip of (one's) tongue
be on the tip of tongue
Common Names:
, ə-MAL-rik
Ancient Germanic
Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Biblical Latin, Biblical Greek
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