中文 – 简体
(as) old as the hills
(old) stomping ground
(one's) old stomping ground
a chip off the old block
a dirty old man
an old chestnut
an old flame
an old hand
an old head on young shoulders
an old maid
an old shoe
an old wives' tale
an/(one's) old flame
any (old) nook or cranny
any old
any old thing
as old as the hills
be (as) old as the hills
be (as) tough as old boots
be as old as Methuselah
be as old as the hills
be as tough as old boots
be money for old rope
Better be an old man's darling than a young man's slave
big old
boring old fart
chip off the old block
comfortable as an old shoe
comfortable as an old shoe, as
common as an old shoe
dirty joke
dirty old man
for old times' sake
from the old school
fucking old person
full of Old Nick
full of the devil
give (one) the old heave-ho
give someone the air
go into a song and dance
good old boy
good old days
have a rare old time
in and out
It is never too late to learn
it's the same old story
little old
live to a ripe old age
money for old rope
my old dutch
no fool like an old fool, there's
of old
of the old school
old as Adam
old as Methuselah
old as the hills
old battle-axe
old chestnut
old codger
old college try
old college try, the
old enough to be mother
old enough to vote
old fart
old flame
old fogey
old girl
Old habits die hard
old hand
old hand at something
old hat
old heave-ho
old lady
old maid
old man
old money
Old Nick
old one-two
old poacher makes the best gamekeeper
old rose
old salt
old saw
old school
old school tie
old sins cast long shadows
old sins have long shadows
old skool
old soldier
old stick
old story, an
old trout
old warhorse
old windbag
old wives' tale
old woman
one's old stamping ground
open old wounds
pay off
play Old Harry with (something)
rake over old coals
rare old time
ring out the old
ripe old age
same old same old
same old story
same old story, the
settle a score
settle an old score (with someone)
settle old scores
shadow of one's self
So’s your old man!
so's your old man
stamping ground
strap on the (old) feed bag
teach an old dog new tricks
the good old days
the grand old man of
the old Adam
the Old Bill
the old country
the old days
the old gray mare
the old guard
the Old Lady of Threadneedle Street
the old man
the old one-two
the old school tie
the old sod
the old-boy network
the oldest profession
the oldest trick in the book
the same old same old
the same old thing
the tune the old cow died of
There's life in the old dog yet
There's many a good tune played on an old fiddle
There's no fool like an old fool
tie on the (old) feed bag
tough as an old boot
up to old tricks
up to one's old tricks
war horse
You cannot put new wine in old bottles
You cannot teach an old dog new tricks
you can't put an old head on young shoulders
You can't teach an old dog new tricks
Young men may die, but old men must die
you're only as old as you feel
Common Names:
Japanese (Rare)
, bye-nye-DEEKT
, bee-nee-DEEKT
German, Russian, Icelandic, Czech
Spanish (Rare)
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