
originate from something

to come from something or some place. Did you originate from around here? I originated from a different area of the country. Some of our customs originate from old beliefs.
See also: originate

originate in something

to have had a beginning in something or some place. The river originates in the Andes Mountains. All your troubles originate in your lungs.
See also: originate

originate with someone or something

to have been started by someone, something, or during a time period or event. Did this policy originate with you? This idea originated with the committee.
See also: originate

Common Names:

Metushelach-Biblical Hebrew
Nthanda-Southern African, Tumbuka
ElinaE-lee-nah (Finnish), e-LEE-nah (Swedish)Finnish, Swedish
Luiz-Portuguese (Brazilian)
Talia (1)-Hebrew