中文 – 简体
(one's) other half
a significant other
at each other's throats
bat for the other side
bat for the other team
be a whole other kettle of fish
be at each other's throats
be laughing on the other side of face
be neither one thing nor the other
better half
cancel each other out
carry fire in one hand and water in the other
Catch me later
crawl (all) over each other
cross over
cut each other's throats
do unto others as you would have them do unto you
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
drop the other shoe
each other
every other
go at each other tooth and nail
go from one extreme to the other
go in one ear and out the other
grass is always greener on the other side, the
Half the world knows not how the other half lives
have bigger fish to fry
have other fish to fry
have the shoe on the other foot
head and shoulders above [the others rest etc.]
how the other half lives
in one ear and out the other
in one's pocket
in other words
kick with the other foot
laugh on the other side of (one's) face
laugh on the other side of (one's) mouth
laugh out of the other side of face and laugh out of the other ...
laugh out of the other side of mouth
laugh out of the other side of one's mouth
live in each other's pockets
look the other way
made for each other
make chalk of one and cheese of the other
mate with
Maybe some other time
none other than
not the only fish in the sea
on the one hand
on the one hand...on the other hand
on the other
on the other hand
one after the other
one half of the world does not know how the other half lives
one hand washes the other (and both wash the face)
one way or another
one way or the other
or other
other day, the
other fish to fry
other place
other side of the coin
other side of the tracks
other than
other things being equal
other times, other manners
other way round
other way round, the
pass by on the other side
play each end against the other
play each side against the other
play one end against the other
play one off against another/each other/the other
play one side against the other
play well with others
Pull the other leg!
Pull the other one (it's got bells on)!
put one foot in front of the other
right side of the tracks
rose by any other name would smell as sweet
shoe is on the other foot
shoe is on the other foot, the
significant other
six in one, (and) half a dozen in the other
six of one and half a dozen of the other
six of one, half a dozen of the other
somehow or other
something or other
the boot is on the other foot
The grass is always greener on the other side
the other day
the other side
the other side of the coin
the other side of the tracks
the shoe is on the other foot
the wrong side of the tracks
there are other (good) fish in the sea
there are other pebbles on the beach
there are plenty of (other) pebbles on the beach
this and that
this, that, and the other
try to catch you some other time
turn the other cheek
turn the other way
under the circumstances
up one side and down the other
wait for the other shoe to drop
Common Names:
Ancient Greek
Slovene, Croatian
, ah-lek-sahn-DREE-nə
French, German
Biblical Hebrew
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