中文 – 简体
(one's) own flesh and blood
a dose of (one's) own medicine
a legend in (one's) own lifetime
a legend in (one's) own lunchtime
a legend in (one's) own mind
a legend in (one's) own time
a life of its own
a man after own heart
a man who is his own lawyer has a fool for a client
a mind of its own
a mind of own
a person after (one's) own
a place to call own
a taste of (one's) own medicine
a taste of own medicine
according to (one's) own lights
according to own lights
afraid of (one's) own shadow
afraid of one's own shadow
afraid of own shadow
after (one's) own heart
after one's own heart
after own heart
an own goal
as if (one) owns the place
as if own the place
at (one's) own game
at (one's) own peril
at (one's) own risk
at own game
be (one's) own man/woman/person
be (one's) own master
be (one's) own worst enemy
be afraid of (one's) (own) shadow
be afraid of own shadow
be hoist by own petard
be hoist with one's own petard
be in another world
be left to (one's) own devices
be left to (one's) own resources
be of (one's) own making
be of own making
be own man
be own master
be own worst enemy
beat (someone) at his or her own game
beat someone at his or her own game
bird of (one's) own brain
blow one’s own horn
blow one's own horn
blow own horn
blow own trumpet
by (one's) own hand
call (one's) own
call one's own
can't call soul own
chew own tobacco
come into
come into (one's) own
come into own
comfortable in (one's) own skin
cut one’s own throat
cut own throat
cut someone's throat
devil can quote Scripture for his own purpose
devil looks after his own
devil of a job
devil of a time
die by own hand
dig (one's) own grave
dig one's own grave
dig own grave
do one’s own thing
do one's thing
do own thing
dose of one's own medicine
each to own
eat (one's) own dog food
Every horse thinks its own pack heaviest
Every man is the architect of his own fortune
Every tub must stand on its own bottom
feather own nest
find (one's) (own) level
find own level
flesh and blood
for (one's) (own) sake
for own sake
foul one's nest
foul own nest
frightened of (one's) (own) shadow
get (one's) (own) house in order
get (one's) (own) way
get (one's) own back
get back at
get one's way
get own back
get own house in order
get own way
give (one) a taste of (one's) own medicine
give a dose of own medicine
go (one's) (own) way
go one's way
have (one's) (own) way
have a mind of its own
have a mind of own
have a minute to call own
have calluses from patting own back
have the devil's own job
have the devil's own luck
hoe own row
hoist by (one's) own petard
hoist by your own petard
hoist with own petard
hold one's own
hold own
I'll thank you to mind your own business
in a class of (one's)/its own
in a league of (one's)/its own
in a world of own
in one's interest
in one's own backyard
in one's own right
in one's own world
in one's way
in own right
in own way
in the name of
It is a wise child that knows its own father
It's an ill bird that fouls its own nest
judge on its own merits
judge one on own merits
keep one's own counsel
keep own counsel
know (one's) own mind
know one's own mind
leave one to own devices
leave to own devices
leave to someone's own devices
legend in own time
Let every man skin his own skunk
like the sound of (one's) own voice
line one’s own pocket
line one’s own pockets
line own pocket
live on own
make (one's) own way
make a rod for own back
make one's way
man after (one's) own heart
man after my own heart
march to (one's) own beat
march to (the beat of) (one's) own drum
Men are blind in their own cause
mind of (one's) own
mind of one's own, have a
mind one's own business
mind own business
Mind own business!
Mind your own beeswax
Mind your own business
minding my own business
no one should be judge in his own cause
not able to call time own
not know own strength
of one's own accord
of own accord
of own making
off own bat
on (one's) own
on (one's) own initiative
on (one's) own volition
on one’s own hook
on one's head
on one's own
on one's own account
on one's own time
on own
on own account
on own ground
on own hook
on own initiative
on own time
one's own worst enemy
own man
own person
own person, be one's
own up
own up to
own woman
own worst enemy
paddle one's own canoe
paddle own canoe
pay back
pay back in own coin
pay one's way
pay own way
pick on
pick on your own size
place to call (one's) own
play at own game
prophet is not without honor save in his own country
pull one's weight
put own house in order
reck (one's) own rede
run (one's) own show
run one's own show
run the show
save (one's) own bacon
save (one's) own hide
save (one's) own neck
save own skin
set (one's) (own) house in order
sign one's own death warrant
sign own death warrant
stand in (one's) own light
stand on (one's/its) own
stand on one's own feet
stand on own feet
stand on own two feet
stew in one's own juice
stew in own juice
strike out on own
take into own hands
take matters into own hands
take on a life of own
take own life
take someone's life
take the law into one's hands
take the law into own hands
talk to hear one’s own voice
talk to hear own voice
tell its own story
tell its own tale
the devil looks after his own
the devil’s own time
the devil's own luck
think hung the moon
to call own
To each his own
to each own
to thine own self be true
toot (one's) own horn
toot (one's) own trumpet
toot one’s own horn
under one's own steam
under own steam
Virtue is its own reward
with own fair hands
woman after (one's) own heart
write one's own ticket
write own ticket
You’re on your own
Common Names:
KER-ee, KAR-ee
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