pander to

pander to someone or something

to cater toward undesirable tastes or people with undesirable tastes. All your writing seems to pander to persons with poor taste. You are pandering to the moral dregs of society.

pander to somebody

to give someone what they want, although it may not be good or right for them TV stations pander to viewers who don't seem to get enough of sex and violence.

pander to something

to accept or support something bad in order to get an advantage He is the worst sort of politician, who panders to fear to win votes.

pander to

To cater to or indulge someone's lower tastes or desires, especially in order to win his or her favor or gain an advantage: This bawdy television show panders to people with sophomoric senses of humor.

Common Names:

Mariloumer-i-LOO (English), mar-i-LOO (English)French, English, Dutch
Lauraine-English (Rare)
Ó&Eth;Inn-Norse Mythology, Icelandic